Selectmen’s Minutes March 20, 2012

Minutes of the March 20, 2012 meeting

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Harold Wright, Barry Wheeler, and Delbert Harris III

Harold Wright welcomes new selectman, Delbert Harris III


1. Planning Board – Ms. Keller, chairman of the committee commented on perception that the Planning Board was anti business. She stated this was not the case. The Regulations have been voted by the town. She suggested a joint meeting of Planning, Zoning, Selectmen, and Building be arranged to try to streamline the process. In addition Ms. Keller brought two sign violations to the attention of the Board of Selectmen. Both have been long term issues. Harold Wright will approach the businesses involved to seek resolution.

2. Beth Rodd thanked the town voters and the Board of Selectmen for their support on the Warrant Article to continue planning on the town hall restoration.

3. Dick Keller – Mr. Keller questioned who will be the selectmen’s rep to the budget committee – later in the meeting it was determined that Barry Wheeler will be the appointee.

a. Keller also questioned job descriptions for the bookkeeper and Trudy Willett. Cheryl Behr read the job description for the expanded hours for the bookkeeper. Discussion on the need to repost the job. Selectmen have already expanded the bookkeeper’s hours and confirmed the current bookkeeper’s interest in continuing.  The position will not be reposted.

b. A comprehensive description will be prepared for the various functions Trudy Willett currently performs.

c. Keller presented a letter from Jon Marden to Senators Sanborn and Odell requesting a meeting with the Budget Committee regarding Revenues and other economic issues

d. Keller questioned when the Breezy Hill Road Bridge would be reopened to foot traffic. Selectmen will have Hwy arrange the barriers to allow foot traffic in the morning. Jim Valiquet, police chief, recommended a ordinance be written to limit to foot traffic only – no motorized vehicles. This would aid in the enforcement issues.

4. David Camire Jr.- Spoke with the Board regarding the destructive effect rumors are having on the town. Stressed the need to work together and pay attention to issues including equipment damages.

5. Jon Marden presented a letter regarding behavior at meetings. He requested written response from the Board of Selectmen.

a. Marden presented a list of issues he wishes to see in the personnel manual

b. Marden presented a list of work hours he is recommending for the Highway Department.

Regular Business:

1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests reviewed and signed

2. Petition submitted by residents of Pleasant View Road – Road Agent will address tomorrow

3. Discussion of rumors and need to dispel them – general discussion.

a. Need to prioritize requests

b. All complaints should be in writing

4. Housekeeping issues – chairman, dates and time etc. – Harold Wright was voted as Chairman and representative to the Police Dept and Selectmen’s office; Barry Wheeler will serve on Budget Committee, Fire Dept and as liaison to the Highway Department. Delbert Harris will work with the Planning Board and BACC.

5. Timber Tax warrant signed

6. Tax commitment for signature for new tax collector/clerk & audit engagement letter signed

7. Tax Anticipation note signed

8. MS-2 corrected and signed

9. Supplemental Intent to cut for Payson on West Road signed

10. Weather Check warranty signed

11. Negotiations on Community Action space noted for future consideration

12. Office problems – recommendations for sound control and approval to move cabinets

13. Grader repairs discussed. Outside individual to inspect machine for repairs.