Sidewalk Meeting Minutes 06.26.09

JUNE 26, 2009

Jack Meaney, Selectmen opened the Sidewalk Meeting at 10:00am with Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Nicholas Coates, CNHRPC, and Marge Cilley, Secretary, present.

Jack Meaney advised this is the second meeting on sidewalks, as well as looking into TIF (Tax Incremental Financing) for certain areas of town. Information was available from Michael Croteau, SEA Consultants, Inc. as well as a sample letter which needs to be submitted to CNHRPC which spells out the Current Conditions, the different Phases, consisting of four, and the Funding Overview. There being no questions from the floor at this time, Jack Meaney introduced Mr. Nicholas Coates from CNHRPC.

Mr. Coates advised there is a lot of opportunity here and it is great to see so many people engaged already as that is a big part of the whole process. Mr. Coates stated the concerns are upgrading the sidewalk network, potential bicycle access, and addressing some drainage issues. There is a program TE (Transportation Enhancement) which happens every two years, and the latest round is starting next week, on July 2, 2009. The State DOT is requesting a letter of intent from the town to the Planning Commission, who advocates for the town, and evaluates the application. This is an 80/20 match program, with the town being responsible for the 20% of the costs for the project and the 80% would be from the State. Also, a combination has been discussed with some of the costs being covered by the Safe Routes to School program. The Safe Routes to School program encourages students up to 8th grade to walk or bike to school. This is a 100% Grant program. The Town would put the cost up front, and then be reimbursed.

A Planning Grant could be started first at a cost of $5,000.00 which would enable the area to be looked at for potential improvement, and come up with a good starting point.

Engineer’s reports have been looked at to come up with a project proposal and rough draft. This could be a 4 phase proposal which could take up to 6 to 8 years, depending upon what can be gotten for money. This again would be a combination of TE, and Safe Routes to School. Again, TE letter of intent is due by July 2, 2009, and if the application is approved, the formal proposal will be due September 15, 2009.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned if the town match can only be cash, or can it be a “soft match” and the town use outside help and town employees to cut expenses? This will be looked into. Some other towns have used prisoners who have ripped up the old sidewalk as well as loaming and seeding. Cheryl Behr also advised there is $21,000 in Capital Reserve at this time. Cheryl has been getting rough estimates of different materials used in sidewalks. Also using a local engineer has been discussed.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator thanked everyone who has forwarded letters to be included with the Letter of Intent to CNHRPC.

A considerable number questions and comments came from the floor. It was stated that the letters should be addressed to the Selectmen. Cheryl Behr, Administrator, in reply to a question on funding, advised that the payback for the sidewalk program from the state would be handled as the new bridges are handled which are also a 80% – 20% match, which is being paid at one half of the 80% up front, then as soon as we have our substantial completion letter we can submit for the balance that is owed to the town and reconcile at that point. Cheryl advised it is usually within two months that she has submitted all the bills and the town gets the remainder of the money.

Cheryl Behr advised SEA did a plan 5 years ago for a three phase program for the sidewalk project, which is being used for quantities to estimate different materials for the sidewalks.

Mr. Spadaro, Principal Bradford Elementary School advised the school does have a jogging, biking club as well as wellness and fitness trail. Mr. Spadaro also advised that over 95% of the responses from a survey that was done stated they would not use a sidewalk from Route 114 to the school. He also stated that about 65% of the students are driven to school by their parents with the rest of the students riding the bus. Perhaps a bicycle path would encourage more use, not only going to school, but even adults using the improvements.

Jane Johnsen asked if Nicholas Coates would go for a walk around town, to which he agreed.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:45AM

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley