THRC Forum Minutes 11.10.12



NOVEMBER 10, 2012 – 10:00AM – 12:00 NOON

The Town Hall Restoration Forum opened at 10:20am by Harry Wright, Selectman who stated that there were 80 plus new voters who registered and voted at last Tuesday’s election of which many were young people. Of the eleven hundred thirty four voters in town, nine hundred ninety voted or 87%…

Eileen Kelly, Chair Town Hall Restoration Committee welcomed everyone in attendance. Also recognized was the generous support of the Double Diamond Restaurant at the Sunapee Traffic Circle for their allowing a benefit dinner to be held there on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 from 4:00pm until 10:00pm, and returning a percentage of the proceeds to the Committee

Eileen Kelly listed the members of the Town Hall Restoration Committee:

Dick Keller, Marcia Keller, John Greenwood, Careel Walker, George Cilley, Beth Rodd, Sandra Wright, Audrey Sylvester and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

Careel Walker was thanked for a great spread of refreshemts.

Rick Monahon, Jr. AIA NCARB Architect was introduced as the speaker.

Mr. Monahon advised the Bradford Town Hall needs to be restored and modernized for functuality for present day needs and to be done in a cost effective manner. There were large size schematic designs placed on the side for public observation.

Rick Monahon introduced and thanked Jim Bruss who has been extremely helpful throughout this endeavor.

Rick Monahon, Architect advised he has considerable experience in this work as he was involved with the Newbury Center Meeting House, Washington Town Hall, Fuller Library, Hillsbrough as well as the Tip Top House on Mt. Washington. Rick has also worked with the New Hampshire Preservation as a consultant.

Rick introduced his wife, Duffy at this time, who was sitting with the attendees.

Rick stated that the work by the committee made it possible to analyze and scrutinize the building from past studies efficiently and extensible done which gave him a good starting point. Wendell Phillips, Retired Architect had done considerable work previously.

At this time, Rick Monahon gave a power point presentation, starting with the Site Plan, Parking, Handicap ramp at the front door, Lower floor showing basement which had been poorly constructed, needs to be up dated to service the rest of the building, to include mechanicals, sprinkler, water, and storage with fire proof archival area.

Rick advised a man had crawled through the front part of the building with a camera to check on the structural aspect. There appears to be no problematic use a full basement, just under the back end of the building. This would include a new foundation and moisture barrier with polyethylene to create a dry space in the rear section of the town hall. The crawl space is stable.

Mr. Monahon advised the main floor had been designed after talking at length with the town clerk, administrator and the plan is similar to how it had been set up previously, but now being in code compliance with an egress. Circulation-pass through windows-catering kitchen with a meeting room to accommodate 60 – files and tax maps available in the hallway are all part of the up-date.

Thee will be two sets of stairs, the historic front stairs and reconstructed back stairs.

Phase I would include but not limited to elevator shaft, which will be opposite the front stairs, framing and foundation work refurbishment of all windows, removable plaster exterior walls, sprinkler system to second floor. The back corner over where the police station was will be made into a second story with additional space available.for upstairs bathrooms.

Phase II would create a completely occupiable second floor which could seat 240 plus or minus. The sprinkler system would be in full use and would only sprinkle where it is needed. It was stated that the stage had a full height at one time and could be restored to that again. Theatrical lighting is not included in the project and other funding would be needed for this. Phase II would also include acoustics and code compliance to meet capacity of the building.

Rick Monahon requested Jim Bruss help him out with the water and sewer concerns. Jim advised the recommended septic design would be under the parking lot. George Cilley met with Aaron Wechsler, Aspen Environmental Consultants and the Bradford Road Crew where a test pit was dug and a decision was made that it is buildable on this site. It would be a little more expensive than some, in the $30,000 to $35,000 range. as it would require heavy duty chambers. A new well will need to be drilled and tested frequently. It was reiterated, there will be no full commercial kitchen.

Outside view of all sides of the building were shown on the screen.

A chuckle erupted from the attendees as Rick was handed a Childs plastic hockey stick to use as a pointer as his was broken.

In reply to a question, Rick advised all problems such as mold has been taken into consideration and will be addressed as found.

Phase I estimated cost projected is $1,099,800.

Phase II estimated at $ 662,200.

Rick Monahon advised at the last Selectmen’s meeting they authorized a Construction Manager to be used for this process and he has already done a pre-select letter. This will give a guaranteed maximum price for the project.

In reply to a question, the town offices can be moved back into the building prior to Phase II being started.

If both Phases were done at the same time there would be around sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars in savings in overhead costs. It was estimated that Phase I would take about 10 months to complete and doing both at the same time no more than 12 months and probably less. If the bond passes in the March town meeting, the drawings would be done in May and first of June construction would start. Phase II would take significantly less time.

Question was if there would be any easements to abutters. It was explained that a testing machine would come in and test abutter’s septic system as well. Very limited at best was stated. All drainage will be taken care of on site

Another topic of conversation was in regard to cost savings from different heating methods. Comparison of past figures and anticipated figures were shown on the screen as well as alternate fuel usage. Rick Monahon made mention that a group from the committee made a trip to the Peterborough town hall where they have recently installed wood pellet system. Jim Bruss allowed there has been no final recommendation on heating. It was also mentioned that the Kearsarge School District Middle School is using wood pellets.

Mention was made that local banks indicated there is no better time than now to borrow money.

Rick reiterated some of the benefits from having a Construction Manager. One being the guarantee of total dollar amount, ability to keep jobs (subcontractor bids) local, bids given to owner for approval. Rick is currently working with Contract Managers with three towns.

A patron advised this needs to be presented eloquently at town meeting.

Another comment from the floor was this should be done all at once, rather than phasing, to which many people agreed.

Harry Wright, Selectman stated there is an “Ad” going out for an interested maintenance person for the town.

A Volunteer sign-up sheet was available for anyone interested in joining the effort.

Michele Halsted reiterated the invitation to join “Dining for Dough” going for dinner at Double Diamond on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 from 4:00pm to 10:00pm. They will donate 20% of the meals and drinks to this project from those attending that day and time. For this, we Thank Them very much.

Eileen Kelly, Chair THRC thanked Rick Monahon and Jim Bruss for this informative meeting of the progress made so far in renovating the Bradford Town Hall.


Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary