THRC Minutes 01.19.14

THRC Minutes 1.16.14

January 19, 2014



JANUARY 16, 2014

7:00 PM

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm with Audrey Sylvester, Nikki Dubaere, Mel Pfeifle, Karen Hambleton, Sandy Paul, Scott MacLean, Jim Bibbo, , Marge Cilley, George Cilley,Marcia Keller, Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction, Mike Bruss, Bruss Construction, John Pfeifle, Selectman, Sonny Harris, Selectman, Dick Keller, Guest, Bob Lincoln, Guest, Marlene Freyler, Guest , and Sue Reynolds, Secretary, present.

Review and Consideration of December 19, 2013 Minutes:

Motion was made, and seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Eileen Kelly, Chair, directed a change in the Agenda to allow Jim and Mike Bruss, Bruss Construction, to be present during the discussion of the Warrant Article.

Jim Bruss Update on Revised Floor Plan:

Jim and Mike Bruss gave an update on the revised floor plan. They indicated that the Town Clerk/Tax Collector office would have 30-40% more space than is currently in the BACC as well as having room to grow to accommodate future needs. The Town Administrator office was moved to allow “line of sight” with the customer service window. Additional storage areas for theses offices are also in the revised plan. Jim Bruss pointed out the controlled access doors and indicated that this was also a safety feature for the town employees. The old Police Department area will be removed providing a cleaner appearance to the building. Back stairs will meet code while the front stairs will be retained as much as possible with the exception of raising the rail height to meet code requirements. Bathroom facilities will be located in the front of the building outside the controlled access area. The intent is to retain and preserve as much of the old features of the building as possible to include tin, ceilings, floors and the like. The second floor will have a 6ft counter space, sink, and cabinets at Stage Right to allow for refreshments and possible catering prep for future events/customers.

John Pfeifle commented that the town employees are “pleased they were consulted on these plans”.

Audrey Sylvester thanked Jim Bruss for working with the town employees and addressing their interests.

Motion was made by Mel Pfeifle, and seconded by Audrey Sylvester, to accept the revised floor plans based upon input from town employees and gave the Building Committee approval to make any small changes to accommodate the employees.  Motion carried unanimously.

Warrant Articles:

John Pfeifle explained concerns from Town Budget Committee regarding pledge monies not being honored. He raised the idea of raising funds from the town to complete the first floor and exterior of the Town Hall, while relying on grants and donations to complete additional areas as funds become available. Discussion surrounding which areas could be covered by grants and/or donations ensued and included, but was not limited to: second floor renovation, Emergency Operations Center, generator, pellet boiler, parking lot, LULA (Limited Use Limited Access) elevator. It was pointed out this topic was up for discussion due to the LCHIP grant not being approved and costs for renovations/construction will increase in the future.

Marcia Keller informed the committee that the town legally must vote to raise the entire amount to fund the project and wording of the warrant article must indicate this.

Marcia asked if grants/donations would decrease the bond amount or be used for additional areas not covered by the bond amount. Discussion followed regarding wording of the warrant articles, and it was decided that the BOS (Board of Selectmen) need to hold a bond hearing and write the warrant article.

Dick Keller asked for clarification of the length of the bond. The Budget hearing is scheduled for February 5, 2012 with a follow-on hearing on February 12, 2012, if necessary.

Jim Bruss explained that the Northeast Region has seen an increase in Material and Labor costs of 7.9% over the past year and a quarter percent increase in interest costs.

Sonny Harris, Selectman, brought up the subject of the grant for the BACC being violated and that pro-rated repayment of the grant could result. He pointed out the agreement to allow the town offices to reside in the BACC was a temporary measure and continuing to keep them in the BACC could result in having to pay back the grant in a pro-rated amount. His research into the matter has indicated case law which supports heirs in such cases. Failure to use the Town Hall for town services could result in the Town Hall land and building being returned to the heirs.

John Pfeifle will ask the Town Administrator to provide a list of important dates and times for voting, meetings and the like, concerning the Warrant Article.

Funding Raising Report:

Pledges: Eileen Kelly, Chair, was asked by BOS to give an accounting of what monies have been raised to date. Jim Bibbo stated the Cornerstone Account monies held by the Rural Heritage Connection totals approximately $6300 including the pie sale and spaghetti dinner proceeds. Karen Hambleton outlined the process to be used by THRC for donations and pledges:

  1. Checks/pledge cards are received by Karen Hambleton,
  2. Copies are made,
  3. Checks are tallied,
  4. Selectmen vote to accept the monies,
  5.  Selectmen advise the Trustees of the Town Hall Restoration Maintenance Trust Account, of the monies,
  6. Trust Fund Trustee deposits the funds into the Trust account,
  7. Thank you notes will be mailed which include: Note that donation is tax deductible, Amount, Tax ID number, Date, and what donation was for. Thank you notes will be signed by the THRC Chair.

Only the THRC Chair, and Karen Hambleton will have access to the list of donors to maintain donor privacy. Others will be allowed on a “need to know” basis.

Motion was made by Sue Reynolds to accept the process outlined by Karen Hambleton to accept, receive and process pledges and donations. Seconded by Sandy Paul. Motion passed with one opposing vote from Marge Cilley.

Progressive Dinner: Sandy Paul stated that due to an administrative error the individual covering the dessert portion of the Progressive Dinner had to decline and thus she and Marge Cilley are looking for a volunteer to fill the void. To date 14 tickets have been sold at $30 each. Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, January 25, 2014, at 4:30pm. Marge stated that participants should meet at the church parking lot on main Street and carpool if possible. Tickets should be purchased by January 18, 2014 in order to allow the cooks to prepare accordingly.

Town Forum:

A TENTATIVE date of Saturday, March 1, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. was set for a Town Forum on the Town Hall Restoration. It will be held at KRES-Bradford providing the building is available.

Next Steps:

Those committee members who have not submitted a list of possible donor names are asked to do so.

John Pfeifle, Selectman, will discuss working of Warrant Article with the town attorney.

Eileen Kelly, Chair, will follow up on Forum location and secure it.

Other Business:

Due to a funding issue, Marge Cilley resigned as Secretary to the THRC. Eileen Kelly stated that Sue Reynolds had volunteered to take the minutes for this meeting and thanked her.

Motion was made by Marge Cilley, and seconded by Mel Pfeifle, to establish Sue Reynolds as the new Secretary. Motion passed unanimously.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 20, 2014, at 7:00pm at the BradfordAreaCommunity Center.

There being no other business, meeting was adjourned at 8:47 pm.

Respectfully submitted

Sue Reynolds



A motion was made and seconded to approve the following wording for the warrant article to be recommended to the Selectmen:

To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate funds to renovate and restore the BradfordTown Hall at Map 16 Lot 92. Total cost of the project is One Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,600,000.00), of which not more than __________________ will be paid by the issuance of a bond or note in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA Chapter 33). The Selectmen are further authorized to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon, the term and other details. The balance of the total cost will come from grants and donations.

Selectmen _________________ Budget Committee _____________________

After discussion, the article was approved unanimously.