THRC Minutes 05.23.13



MAY 23, 2013


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly opened the meeting at 7:02pm with Scott MacLean, Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction, Walter Royal, Bob Lincoln, Harry Wright, Jim Bibbo, Mel Pfeifle, Nikki Dubaere, Beth Rodd, Dick Keller, Marcia Keller, Karen Hambleton, Sandy Paul, Audrey Sylvester, Caryl Walker, Sandra Wright and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

New Members:

The following new members were welcomed into the Town Hall Restoration Committee:

Sandy Paul, Scott MacLean, Walter Royal, Mary Dayton who is not here but will be in the future, Mel Pfeifle. Each person introduced themselves.

Review and Consideration of March 24, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by Beth Rodd to approve the minutes of March 24th as presented. Seconded by Sandy Paul. Motion carried unanimously.

Jim Bruss, Bruss Construction – Suggestions for going forward:

Some suggestions to carry onward were; start with a significant smaller budget with an umbrella and fit in all the pieces to be approached in different ways. As we discovered previously, the large portion of the costs were related to mechanical, electrical and fire suppression systems which accounted for over 40% of the total figure. Jim Bruss suggested there may be some opportunities for savings there. There are opportunities for grants as well as with some companies in NH who will consider a lease back opportunity. The savings provided by the improvement go to pay for the improvement itself and a portion is returned to the town.

Suggestion was made that the building foundation and structure should be the first thing undertaken. Jim Bruss stated that removing the entire structure completely off the foundation, excavate for it and set it back. It was suggested by Walter Royal to ventilate the building by putting fans on timers on every level to get the air exchanged. Discussion ensued regarding hazardous material which is mostly on the second floor per Jim Bruss., where lead paint is flaking off the walls. For the most part, the building is pretty clean.

Jim indicated the first step would be to set a maximum dollar amount and work towards that goal in the restoration.

It was suggested the building inspector could read the report that was given regarding the mold problem two years ago as well as the Hazmat report that was done in January and determine safety of the building. Much discussion took place. Thought is to ask several different people to come in and talk with the group at the next meeting.

Clean – up of Town Hall:

Laurie Buchar has picked up and categorized pictures and artifacts from the town hall and stored in the Historical Society building, and was thanked by the board.

Marcia Keller and Marge Cilley have boxed up some articles and stored in the former Town Clerk’s office where articles will be stored.

Marcia Keller also stated there are many plans and maps belonging to several departments stored upstairs and the thought is to set a table up there, and sort through them and box according to departments.

Nikki Dubaere and a group are going to work at cleaning up the town hall as soon as it is deemed feasible.

Fourth of July Art Show:

Discussion took place regarding holding the Art Show during the 4th of July celebration. Audrey Sylvester had some ideas to help show what the beautiful upstairs of the town hall can become once again.

Volunteer Pool:

Suggested groups are: Building Committee, Grant Committee, Fund Raising, as well as new members.

Marcia Keller suggested that the secretary should receive all information to forward to all the committee members as she does for all other town departments. Marcia Keller will put information in the Bridge regarding Volunteer Pool and whom to contact, which will be Eileen Kelly.

Fund Raising:

Mel Pfeifle suggested doing the major part of the work with the total amount set, then follow up on what is left with fund raisers, donations etc.

Harry Wright suggested returning to the phase program that was discussed at length previously.

Discussion continued regarding if the money amount should be brought up at the next town meeting. Marcia Keller interjected that she would prefer it as she would like to see the town hall restored, and if it wasn’t done, then we would loose momentum as well as taking disadvantage regarding interest rates, and people are still looking for work. Many voices spoke up in agreement. Money discussed was $880,000 to $900,000 .

It was also stated by Marcia Keller that we did raise the match for the LCHIP Grant which we did not get, we did raise money to go out and look for a Construction Manager, we did raise the money for the Hazmat. Consensus has been that the THRC has not raised any money, which we did with the help of the Rural Heritage Committee, in the amount of several thousand dollars.

Jim Bruss will set up a meeting with Nick Cricenti, and Mark Goldberg and this committee.

Jim also stated the Grant people and Construction people should be in touch very regularly.

The THRC Memorial Day Flea Market is going to be set up at the Blacksmith Shoppe, on Saturday from 8:00am til 2:00pm.and the space is made available by the Historical Society.

Mel Pfeifle suggested the 501C3 should be run through the Historical Society because they already have a 501C3 listed, until the committee decides what to do. Marcia Keller advised that is how the money was raised last year through the Rural Heritage Committee, through the separate Cornerstone Account. Mel stated that is great, and was not aware of that as Eileen Kelly had stated she wanted to set up a 501C3 account.

Scott MacLean stated that he feels it would be premature to start a large fund raiser prior to setting the actual goal for that particular money .

Schedule of Town Hall tour for the committee:

There will be a walk through of the town hall on Thursday, June 13 at 6:30pm for the committee members followed by a meeting to be held at the Community Center at 7:00pm.

There being no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley


Addendum: The additional loud and clear “ voice” on the tape is the tree toad in a tree in the back of the Community Center.