THRC Minutes 12.13.12

DECEMBER 13, 2012

Call To Order and Roll Call:
Eileen Kelly, Chair, Audrey Sylvester, Michele Halsted, Lorraine MacLeod, John Greenwood, Marcia Keller, Dick Keller present. Absent were George Cilley, Beth Rodd, Caryl Walker and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

Review and Consideration of November 30, 2012 minutes:
Eileen Kelly, Chair advised Marcia Keller is Chair of Financing.

Motion was made by John Greenwood to accept the minutes with the above edit. Seconded and carried.

Lorraine MacLeod:

Lorraine is working on a Facebook Page which consists of a background showing the picture of the Town Hall on the Web Site with red doors. The idea is to publish information that people can go to. Lorraine advised she has a couple of accounts where she can invite people who are interested in Bradford. These groups of people can be contacted and invited to look at our Web Site for the Bradford Town Hall Restoration.

Lorraine MacLeod went on to advise these people can ask questions, post ideas they have, inquire about volunteering etc. There is also a place where there can be several photo albums. Also mentioned that pictures showing movies, plays, graduations, dance lessons, town meetings, Wedding Receptions etc. can be viewed. Lorraine stated there are 205 in one group and 254 in another. One is: “I’m from Bradford, and I remember” and the other is “ Bradford Political Forum”.
Motion was made by Michele Halsted that the THRC work with Lorraine in her project to promote people’s interest in Bradford and The Town Hall Restoration project by putting it on a Facebook Page. Motion was seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

John Greenwood with the Construction Manager Information:

John Greenwood advised that interviews for a Construction Manager were held at the Community Center including Ingram Construction from W. Swanzey, North Branch Construction, Inc. from Concord and Milestone Engineering and Construction from Concord. Basically the cost of construction was the same across the board for all three companies, and Rick Monahon, Architect stated this is unusual. All three companies came in a 4.5%. which is 2% less than anticipated. John Greenwood advised this was a difficult decision to make. Ken Holmes and his Project Manager, Joseph Campbell were at the meeting and they explained what they do. Milestone had three people at the interview, Frank Lemay, President, Geoff Lemay, his son, Project Manager as well as David Baer.

They too went through everything they proposed for the project. Ingram came in with a hands on, very low overhead operation, who had done the Fells renovation. North Branch was picked as being the largest company and they were all at the same cost. Kenneth Holmes lives in Newbury and has more experience in selling a project, has worked with Budget Committees as well as presented projects at Town Meetings. Joe is also the Estimator, so both the Estimator and Project Manager would be on board. They would also screen sub-contractors and volunteers as long as they qualify to do the job.

More discussion ensued.

Monday, December 17, 2012 at 5:30pm there will be a meeting to make the recommendation to the Selectmen of North Branch Construction as Construction Manager for the Town Hall Restoration with the understanding there will be no
risk to the town. Newbury Meeting House was done by North Branch. The Construction Committee is basically done now. The Construction Manager advised it should not take much more than six months to do the complete job. There was a book for all to look at of North Branch’s accomplishments.

Motion was made by John Greenwood to accept North Branch Construction as our contingent Construction Manager based on Town Hall outcome. Motion seconded and carried unanimously

Also at the December 17th meeting, Rick Monahon, Architect will reach out to the Fire Department for code updates etc.

Finance Committee Report:

Marcia Keller advised she has been working on financing the bond and note with research to include energy efficiency, and other areas where we can make some savings, to help offset the bond costs. Also Grants will be worked on as well. Marcia also advised she has contacted Everett Kittredge for his knowledge. North Branch suggestions and information will be also taken. Marcia advised that Everett Kittredge, John Greenwood and herself are the committee and there is really no need for Eileen to have to participate with everything else she has to do. Eileen advised she does want to understand it and Marcia stated they will explain it to her so she will understand, but they need to understand it first. The best time for the Finance Committee to meet would be a half hour prior to the next scheduled meeting of the THRC. Time Line dates were discussed as was the upcoming Forum in February.

Community Support:

Beth Downs is not available, but Eileen Kelly advised documents are being worked on with a short intro to the town hall with a walk through of each floor’s work as well as the cost saving portions, such as the wood chip furnace possibility, insulation, ceilings, outer walls, windows etc.

It was reiterated that the town offices cannot stay at the Community Center. A letter is being written for publication soon.

At this time the Town of Washington was mentioned regarding buttons and book marks showing some details of the project. This is something the Outreach Committee is working on. Direct mailings were also discussed.
Michele Halsted advised they are looking for all former students who attended the Bradford Town Hall, as well as any ballroom dancing class members, so a picture can be taken. Also pictures from the former groups would be wonderful.
Highway Signs are being discussed and worked on to be put up in a conspicuous place where snowplows will not hit it; this will show each day closer to voting for this project.

Button ideas were discussed and when a sample gets done will be shown by e-mail for ideas.

Another idea is for the Rural Heritage group to join the THRC and come to the meetings together. This was agreed on by the board so they can coordinate activities and they will be at the next meeting which is scheduled. For December 27, 2012 at 7:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Via tape.
Marjorie R. Cilley