Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee 10.15.15

Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee

October 15, 2015 –  5:30 pm Youth Room


In attendance: Brackett Scheffy, Harry Wright, George and Marge Cilley, Jim Bibbo, Beth Downs, Marsha Keller, Kelly Gale, Claire James, Will Krantz, Michele Halsted, David Halsted, Karen Hambleton, Cheryl Behr


Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as presented.


Michele Halsted reported on the results of the RHC fund raising efforts. Since 2013, the RHC has raised $61,190.54 for the Cornerstone acct.  Current balance in that account is $41,782.63.  Michele reported there had been 82 donors to date, and the RHC had spent $5,171.88 on hazard mitigation, printing, flyers etc. This figure does not include gifts in kind for postage, etc.


The Town of Bradford Trust fund has $8,989.15 as of 9/30/15.


The RHC is prepared to begin a campaign addressed to area businesses. It would be helpful for the building committee to prepare a list of building materials that might be donated.  She requested approval from the THROC to include the manner in which recognition for donations would be made (suggestion was a permanent plaque with donors’ names) in their campaign materials.  The committee approved the idea.


She also requested the THROC approach the Bradford Historic Society to become a full partner and endorse the Town Hall Project. Harry Wright will contact Tim Rodd.


Marcia Keller reported on the presentation for pellet boiler earlier in the day. There will be other alternatives reviewed as well.  Dick Schoch of Schoch Plumbing and Heating provided the committee with information on layouts for the town hall.  Gary Wall, of WALCO (propane) and Ayer and Goss (oil/hot water) will also be offering recommendations.  Kelly Gale reported that Eckman will have the specifications for the basement plans by the end of the week.  The archeological review required by LCHIP will cost $1,050.00.


The question was raised on the condition of the roof after shingles were found on the ground after bad weather. The old portion of the roof was affected and is being checked for leaks.


Claire James reported on the publicity committee. On 10/3/15 an information table was available during the TDS demonstration.  About two dozen people attended.  On 11/14/15 there will be an information session with refreshments at the Elementary School.  Claire is developing a fact sheet with frequently asked questions with answers.  She requested input for additional questions to be included.  It was remarked that total cost of the project would be good to include.  The RFP’s for heat, basement and sprinkler should be back by then.


The next meeting date was set for Nov 19, 2015 at 5:30pm. Meeting adjourned at 5:30pm.

Minutes prepared by Cheryl Behr