Town Hall Restoration Oversight Minutes 02.18.16

Town Hall Restoration Oversight Committee

Minutes – February 18th, 2016

In attendance: Michele and David Halsted, Claire James (arrived at 5:40), Brackett Scheffy, Marcia Keller, Harry Wright, Karen Hambleton.

The meeting opened at 5:35.

Michele motioned that the minutes from the January 14th meeting be approved. Marcia seconded and they passed unanimously.

Michele Halsted updated the committee on the fund raising progress. There is approximately $70,700 raised to date. There are several significant donations expected to come in soon. The fundraising committee continues to visit businesses and recently approached Home Depot, among others. Individual donations continue to trickle in. Michele requested an appearance at the Select Board meeting on February 22nd. Michele also mentioned the Federal Loan and the benefits (lower rate, no early paydown penalty) of being able to take advantage of the program.

Kelly Gale and Marcia Keller reported that they had finally heard from one of the potential concrete contractors and he was not interested. It was noted that Nick Estes is out of the office until the 23rd. The sprinkler specs are nearly complete and the Fire Chief approves the plans at this point. Kelly will send out information requests to three sprinkler companies tomorrow. It was noted that we may need to revisit the generator specs to reflect the decision to go with a diesel pump.

Claire distributed the handouts for the info session on Saturday (2/20 from 3-5 pm) and reviewed them with the group. The committee discussed how to handle questions about estimates. The committee also had questions about the proposal and funding request put forth on the warrant to move the Town Offices back into the Town Hall. Claire also updated the committee on her Get-Out-The-Vote efforts. She welcomes help calling people. She also shared what she’d learned regarding the number of folks needing help in town. It was suggested that a group of 4-5 people go over the checklist together and target who should receive calls. There is still a need for drivers to help get folks to Town Meeting. Claire mentioned that there would be free childcare at both the Information Session and Town Meeting.

Harry noted that he had sent the presentation he plans to make at Town Meeting to the committee and asked for folks to review it and share their comments.

Next meeting: Thursday, March 3rd at 5:30.

Meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm.

Minutes prepared by Karen Hambleton.