ZBA minutes from 8.17.16

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Brooks McCandlish, Chair.


Members Present

Brooks McCandlish, Chair; Mark Fournier, Vice Chair; Stephen Pierce; Denise Renk; Nathanial Bruss, Alternate; Bob Hodges, Alternate; Heather Weed, Alternate

Members Absent:

Bill Duffy 

Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes of Aug. 3 were approved with no edits

Public Hearing Map 22/Lot16:

Brooks opened the Public Hearing at 7:05PM

Robert C. Stewart presented the Board with his plans for a variance on behalf of Fred and Lois Schweizer. “The proposal is to raze the existing Non-confirming home and build a new home meeting the side setback requirement for the zone and meet all requirements of the NH DEA Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act. Currently Article III, Section D. (4) states the minimum distance from the shoreline, as determined by the natural high water mark, to any building shall be 75’. Robert presented a plan asking to be granted a 50’ setback. He stated, “To adhere to a 75’ setback would require drastic changes to the lot. To be in strict conformance with the ordinance would be unreasonable and irresponsible.” The amount of trees that would need to come down in order to cut a new driveway is very concerning to Robert.

Brooke opened the floor to the public: Four abutters were in attendance, Carolyn Carlson, Michael Fournier, Nancy Flanagan, and Bill Curless, they were all in favor of the plans.

Brooks closed the Public Hearing at 7:56PM

The Board went through the 5 criteria and felt as if all 5 criteria were satisfied in the exception of Stephen Pierce. Motion to grant variance, Vote 4-1

Communication and Miscellaneous: 

  1. Stephen Pierce is due for re-election in March and thought there was another member up for re-election as well. ZBA secretary will talk to Camila Devlin to get a list of all members up for election in March 2017.
  2. Mark Fournier thanked the Board again and said that he will miss being a member but that he has a lot of faith in the board as a whole.


As there was no additional business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 8:31PM.