Zoning Board Notice of Decision 03.02.22


Case # 2022-V-01

Map 22 Lot 13

You are hereby notified that the application for a variance from setback requirements in Article III, Section D 3 and Article VIII Section D of the Bradford Zoning Ordinance, on the property identified as Map 22 Lot 13, located at 24 East Shore Drive, has been approved as presented to the Board, with the following conditions:

  1. Construction shall include  systems to increase filtration of runoff from roofs of all structures
  2. The entire driveway shall be constructed using pervious surfaces such as permeable pavers.
  3. A rain garden and/or swale shall be planted with native vegetation between house and shoreline of Lake Massasecum.

Date of Decision: 03.02.2022

Brooks McCandlish

Chair, ZBA                                                                                                    

NOTE: Any person affected has a right to appeal this decision within a thirty (30) day time period counted in calendar days beginning with the date upon which the board voted the decision. (RSA 677:2, 4 &15).

Before any appeal may be taken to the courts, affected persons must apply to the Board of Adjustment for a rehearing. The request for a rehearing must set forth all the grounds on which the appeal is based.

If, within one year after the granting of an appeal by the Board, any required building permit for work covered by the appeal has not been executed, then such an appeal shall become null and void except in any case where legal proceedings to the appeal shall have caused undue delay in the execution of the required building permit, or an extension has been granted by the Board of Adjustment.

(Zoning Ordinance, Article XII D.)