Conservation Commission Minutes 03.16.10

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Notes

Date: March 16, 2010
Time: 7pm – clear, cold
Location: Brown Memorial Library

Present:  Meg Fearnley, Brooks McCandlish, J.A. Eldridge (acting chair), Carol Meise, Andrea LaMoreaux

Secretary’s minutes from February 16 meeting read and accepted with no changes.

Treasurer’s report: Year end report reviewed. No activity other than interest earned on accounts.

Workshop announcements: Baldwin/Cotrell lecture series notice – Fox State Forest.
Saving Special Places – April 10 annual meeting, held this year in Weare. Many relevant topics included. Voted to reimburse attendees for cost to attend.
NRCS grant workshop April 14th in Concord. Will cover federal grant programs such as the Grassland Reserve Program, Federal Farm and Ranchland Protection  etc.

LCHIP  – Nathanial, Miranda, and Ann attended meeting with grant reviewers at LCHIP  on Thursday Feb. 25 in Concord. Will meet with Beth McGuinn of Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust to go over recommendations.

Natural Resource Inventory: at the next opportunity, NRI subcommittee members will meet with Northern Geomantics to go over any changes to the draft maps and review schedule. Bill Glennie will assist with a ‘build-out’ analysis, which the Planning Board has been considering for some years. Ann and Carol to go over ‘table of contents’ and assign specific tasks for update.

Reviewed draft of latest efforts in general community education on natural resource subjects with a revised article on dirt – emphasis on soils of significance in Bradford, info from USDA.

Meeting adjourned 5 of 8
JA Eldridge