Zoning Board Minutes 04.03.24

7:00 pm. Open and roll call: Present: Brooks McCandlish (Chair), Bill Duffy, Laura Beaton

Quorum established.

Review minutes of March 6, 2024 meeting

Motion: Laura Beaton moved to accept the minutes of the March 6, 2024 meeting with the correction that Tracey Quigley was not present at the meeting.

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision: 3-0, All in favor

Receipt of applications

Application for special exception presented by Beata Bzura for a seasonal wellness camp for 20 adults in two phases. Phase one will span three years with phase two starting in year four.

Motion: Laura Beaton moved to accept the application as complete

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Public Hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, May 1, 2024. Site walk scheduled for April 30, 2024 at 3:00 pm.

Public Hearing:  Application by Jeff and Tracy Quigley for a Special Exception at 20 High Street

Public Hearing opened at 7:15 pm.

Jeff Quigley explained that the application is to remove a cement slab on the front of the house and replace it with a porch that is in keeping with the porch originally on the house. Jeff presented photos of porches on neighboring houses with similar or smaller setbacks.

Motion: Laura Beaton moved to approve the application for special exception as submitted.

Second: Bill Duffy

Decision: 3-0, All in favor

Brooks asked for a vote to approve the Jeff and Tracey Quigley Application for Special Exception at 20 High Street. Unanimously approved.

New Business

Communications and miscellaneous

Save the date for the NH Office of Planning and Development’s Spring 2024 Planning and Zoning Conference.

·        When: Saturday, May 11 from 8:45 AM to 3:30 PM

·        Where: Online (each session will be recorded and available after the conference)

·        Cost: Free

·        Registration Opens: April 1


Motion: Bill Duffy moved to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Laura Beaton

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford from Town Hall Streams