Library Trustee Minutes 11.02.09

Brown Memorial Library
Attendance included: Joan Perry, Meg Fearnley, Bea Howe, Brooks McCandlish, Rod Jones, and Erica Gross
1.    The minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.
2.    The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. A motion was made to accept all donations made to Brown Memorial Library for the month of October, in the amount of $425.00 ($325.00 – Book sale).
3.    Librarian’s report was read and approved. Although it seems a bit slow the numbers are still staying strong.
4.    The downstairs door still has not been fixed. Bob will be contacted again to see if Mr. Harrison will be stopping by before winter.
5.    Last year there was a book sale after Thanksgiving. This is a great day to have another one since both the Women’s Club and the Church will be holding events and many people will be out and about in town.
6.    The temporary page that is filling in is doing a wonderful job.
7.    Next meeting is on December 7th at 7:30pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm

Respectfully submitted,
Erica Gross, Secretary