Select Board Minutes 11.03.09

NOVEMBER 3, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Charles Meany, Chair opened the meeting at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Peter Fenton was excused.

Approval of minutes:

Motion was made by Charles Meany, Chair to approve the revised September 15, 2009 minutes as presented. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 2-0.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to approve the October 20, 2009 minutes with the edit of changing the date on page 2, first sentence to: September. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 2-0.

Ken Anderson, Transfer Station Manager:

Ken Anderson came before the Selectmen requesting approval to purchase a new long stroke baler. There were three bids which came in, and Recycling Mechanical had the best quote which is the one being requested to purchase. Discussion ensued regarding oil heater and hydraulics. There are funds available in the Revolving Fund for the Transfer Station which can only be used for recycling, and the baler recycles cardboard and newspaper.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney for Ken Anderson to purchase a long stroke baler for the Transfer Station. Charles Meany, Chair seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0.

Kate Dobrowski, Parks and Rec:

Kate Dobrowski, Parks and Rec came before the Selectmen regarding her budget for the upcoming year and explained the requested dollar amounts. She outlined what was done last year at French’s Park, and what is anticipated for improvement for the upcoming year, including the infiltration trenches. Much of the work was done by volunteers last year. Events from the Center include: The Beef Roast, Fun Day, and The Halloween Party. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Beef Roast, and Fun Day comes out of the Revolving Fund.

Kate Dobrowski, Community Budget:

Kate Dobrowski, presented the Community Center Budget for 2010 and advised of what has been done, such as the new counter tops in the kitchen. Also, the different programs being offered by the Community Center, such as the Farmer’s Market and the Summer Camp program were discussed. Charles Meany, Chair requested the different contracts/leases be reviewed, and look at the possibility of adding maintenance fees. Also, the Farmer’s Market and Summer Camp programs need to be discussed further at a later date. Jack Meaney questioned the re-certification and licensing of the elevator in the Community Center. There is no existing maintenance agreement on the elevator per Kate Dobrowski, in response to a question by Charles Meany, Chair.

Andrew Pinard, Kearsarge Regional School District Budget:

Andrew Pinard, School Board Member came before the Selectmen with the approved School Board Budget for 2010/2011 with an increase of 1.69% or $572,432.40. The finalized School Budget will be on November 17, 2009. Mr. Pinard advised the Superintendent of Schools will be coming in to talk with the Selectmen in December. Mr. Pinard pointed out that each of the schools came in at level funding, with the main increases being attributed to Health Insurance increase of 10%, Contract with Transportation at $89,590, plus another $100,000. which includes the Elementary Health Coach/Teacher. Jack Meaney questioned the $8,000 to pave the middle school. Andrew advised they left the access road on the back side as a dirt road, but due to erosion issues, it does need to be paved.

Andrew Pinard thanked the Selectmen for the upgrading of the town hall parking lot and walkway.

Jack Meaney advised the new Road Agent, Jeff Remillard, from Weare, began work on November 2, 2009. It was mentioned that a second grader will be hired for a week to get the dirt road work done before winter.

Sue Pehrson, Town Clerk questioned the accessibility of the propane tank on the west side of the building with the new contour of the town hall drive and lawns. She was assured there will be no problem getting to it.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there will be a 2:00pm meeting on Tuesday with a representative from NFI, and Laura Spectra, Town Attorney.

Motion was made by Charles Meany, Chair to go into Non Public Meeting, per RSA 91A3II, personnel matters, at 6:30pm.

Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried.

No decisions were made on two personnel matters.

Two budgets were gone over and discussed at length.

Out of Non Public Meeting at 7:45pm.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Other Budget reviews were discussed.

Highway Garage discussion included the antenna price has been received. Jack Meaney will procure a price for tanks for drainage and the dump truck that is still at Reed’s will be checked up on.

Charles Meany, Chair advised there will be a Road Committee meeting on November 18, 2009.

There will be a Warrant Article regarding the roof for the Bement Bridge.

Plans have been received from Mike Croteau for the West Road Bridge.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R Cilley