BACC February minutes

BACC Governance Board

Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2011 5 pm

Present: Bruce Edwards, Kate Dobrowski, Ona Ruchti, Karen Hambleton

Absent: Ellen Brownson, Margaret Raymond, Jim Valiquet, Debbie Flinkstrom

Guests: Town Administrator Cheryl Behr, Selectman Harry Wright, Sue McKevitt

Vice-Chair Bruce Edwards opened the meeting at 5:10 pm. He noted that John Bruss had resigned from the Committee.

Minutes: Approval of the minutes from the January meeting was tabled until the next meeting.

Director’s Report: Kate distributed her report. There were several questions about rates and rental inquiries. Rental inquiries should continue to go through Kate. A recent request to hold a Zumba class in the BACC was turned down due to the two very different rates charged being in the Town Hall and the BACC. At their next meeting, the Selectboard will set rates for the BACC to fall more in line with what is charged at Town Hall.

Maintenance: There were no maintenance issues to be reported.

Health and Human Services: no report

Seniors – CAP: The seniors held a breakfast at the beginning of the month and showed a movie later in the month. Children from Warner came and sang. The quilting group missed a couple meetings due to snowstorms.

Preschool – KAP – KAP met with the Selectboard on February 7 to discuss their proposal and are waiting to hear what will happen next. The Preschool’s annual Bunny Brunch will be held on April 23rd.

Parks & Rec: no report

Chair’s Report: Town counsel is questioning whether the Non-Profit warrant article can be enforced. Language in it could be considered discriminatory. It will go on the warrant at Town Meeting. The Nature’s Circle warrant will not go on as it did not get 25 good signatures.

Harry Wright reported on the cabinets donated to the Friend’s of the BACC by Lowe’s thanks to the efforts of Alex Stewart. The cabinets are worth approximately $6000. Places to hang the cabinets are being sought out in the BACC.

Sue McKevitt asked about the warrant article to make the Director’s position full time. There were enough signatures and it will be on the warrant. Sue pointed out that someone should be prepared to speak at Town Meeting on behalf of the director warrant.

Harry Wright brought up the Operating Manual. He recently reviewed three versions of the manual and noted that according to the Manual volunteers have played a smaller and smaller role in the Community Center over the past 10 years. He commented that the Community Center was supposed to be cash neutral. Cheryl stated that the original CDBG Grant stated the Community Center was to be volunteer run and that the Community Center used to get many grants.

Next meeting: Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 5 pm.

The Committee adjourned at 6:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Hambleton