Select Board Minutes 02.15.11

FEBRUARY 15, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the February 15, 2011 meeting to order at 4:30pm with Harry Wright, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised they will go into Non-Public session per RSA 91A3II d with Jessica Selby attending.

This was a contract discussion with no decisions made.

At 5:00pm, there was a Non-public Meeting per RSA 91A3II c with Jeff Remillard, Road Agent and Brian Houghton from the Highway Department. These minutes are sealed.

The Selectmen were out of the Non-public session at 5:35pm and went into the regular scheduled Selectmen’s meeting.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised this is a continuation of the Selectmen’s meeting that opened at 4:30pm with Non-Public personnel concerns.

Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer is present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said at this time.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent:

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent came before the selectmen to say he has found a new hydraulic hose maker for two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), still in the box. Jeff explained that all the equipment does have hydraulic hoses on it. It could come out of the highway parts budget. Jeff advised he has already spent $600/$800 on hoses, and this would save a lot on down time. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised at this time, there is no money available.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to approve the purchase of this piece of equipment if it can be paid for after May 15, 2011. Jack Meaney seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Peter Fenton, Chair mentioned to Jeff Remillard, Road Agent that the sidewalk going around up to High Street, there is a section that is all broken up. Jeff will take care of it. Peter also stated that the Highway Dept. is doing a great job on the roads. Jeff mentioned they have gotten some nice telephone calls at the highway garage also.

Bement Bridge Roof, Don Jackson, George Cilley:

Don Jackson and George Cilley, Budget Committee members presented the Selectmen with copies of Roof Installation Proposal’s from WeatherCheck, LLC., which included all labor, materials, and insurance necessary to complete the job. One was for a metal roof for a total amount of Nineteen Thousand six hundred fifty ($19,650.00) dollars and one for shingle roofing for Eighteen Thousand three hundred sixty three ($18,363.00) dollars. Don Jackson explained about the Center Meeting House and the First Baptist Church where new roofs were needed and they waited too long, causing structural damage, and a $40,000 repair bill to each of the buildings was the result. A $20,000.00 Metal roof was put on each of these buildings, and they are fine and have had no complaints with the metal for noise. The present shingles would need to come off, and would be disposed of, off site.

Don Jackson advised the snow load on the bridge was heavy today. Don also advised the bridge roof needs replacing, and the bridge needs structural attention and our assets need to be protected. Discussion also entailed how it could be put into this year’s budget at town meeting, and it was thought that in the Operating Budget under R. in the Bridge Maintenance it could be added. Conversation ensued regarding the Historic Register as well as possible Grants. At this time, it was thought that a 10% increase should be asked for over the proposal amounts for the cost of sheathing or structural in case it would be necessary. DES permits were questioned, and the company would have to apply for them.

At this time, it was left that Don Jackson and George Cilley would bring this up at Town Meeting recommending a metal roof and the cost that is associated with it. The Selectmen stated they would support and endorse this endeavor.

Sandra Wright – Painting of the Town Hall foyer:

Sandy Wright advised she does have some paint left over from painting the main room of the town hall, but the foyer is in need of painting. This would entail spackling and two coats of primer. Two gallons of primer are needed and a total cost of two to three hundred dollars will be needed to complete the foyer. Volunteers will do the work. Due to money constraints at this time, it was decided to bring this up again in a month. Sandra advised she had received contractor bid of $1400.00, $700 for scraping and $700 for painting.

Sandy Wright also mentioned that someone had contacted her regarding the condition in the Post Office parking lot which needs attention with all the ice. The Post Office personnel stated that they have received many complaints.

Barter Group:

A letter was received from Sandy Richard of the Barter Group requesting permission to maintaining the gardens, (4 beds) out back of the Community Center in the summer in exchange for the use of the meeting room when they meet once a month. The Selectmen advised they have no problem with their doing this.

A report was perused by the Selectmen from Kate Dobrowski, Community Center including graphs showing what towns other people come from to use the facility.

Regular Business:

Account Payable Manifest and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.

The BACC room rental rates were discussed as follows

BACC Room Rental Rates Much discussion transpired regarding amount of time of usage and current rates being charged to different groups or organizations at the Community Center.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to charge the rate of $25.00 for a 2 hour time frame at the Community Center. Anything over two hours would be charged as the next two hour

fee. The Senior Room upstairs would be charged at $35.00 for two hours with an additional $15.00 for the use of the kitchen if cooking. Peter Fenton, Chair seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. It was also stated that the kitchen should be left clean. This will be revisited in six months.

DES – Naughton Landfill, East Main Street:

Correspondence dated February 14, 2011 has been received with acknowledgement from DES regarding receiving the application for assistance, and informing the Town that DES has selected Bradford to receive a grant of technical services through their Brownfields Program. (Letter is on file) The town will be notified when funding becomes available.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned if the town wants to become involved with Plan NH at a cost to the town of $5,000.00 This has to be applied for by March 17, 2011. The Selectmen decided to wait until next year.

It was also decided to not apply for the Moose Plate Grant for the Bement Bridge roofing.

The Selectmen announced that three groups had applied to use the pre-school room at the Community Center, and Jessica Selby was approved for Children Center for Creative Learning, and this will become effective on July 1, 2011.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 6:55pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
