Brown Memorial Library Trustees Meeting Minutes 06.02.21

Trustees Present: Devin Pendleton (Chair), Laura Beaton (Secretary), Caitlin Banaszak, Maria Storm, Jason Grey (Treasurer) and Director Ellen Barselle

Chair Devin called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the Library.

Approval of May minutes: Motion to approve was made, seconded and all were in favor.

Treasurer’s Report:  Jason reported that finances are on track and everything looks good.

Financial investment opportunities:  Maria presented her suggestions on investment opportunities. Her recommendation was to go with AmericanFunds Growth and Income Model Portfolio, a group of mutual funds composed of 63.7% equities, 11.8% fixed income and 24.5% allocation strategies.  She will revise the Investment Policy Statement to reflect the trustees’ desire for a reasonable amount of growth in the Library’s trust fund.  Maria suggested that any monies needed for special projects for which the trust account is designated could be drawn from growth in the account up to a certain percentage.  Jason will set up a brokerage account in preparation for the transfer of a low-earning CD into this reputable growth-directed fund. We will discuss more at the next meeting.

The Trustees’  Book and Plant Sale held Saturday, May 29, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. was a big success, despite the rainy weather. The plant sale netted $431 while the book sale took in $944. An additional donation of $500 was also made and is greatly appreciated. The Friends of Brown Memorial Library hosted a successful Bake Sale at this Memorial Day Weekend event as well, earning $135.

Directors Report: Ellen reported that she has 5 confirmed events slated for the Summer Reading Program, which will begin later this month. The schedule of events will be listed on the Library’s web page, as well as in the Bradford Bridge and the Intertown Record. Activities include outside entertainment/programming beginning the week of June 21, such as Squam Lake Science Center’s program called “Animals with Bad Reputations,” an end of summer raffle,  prizes for every hour recorded on kids’ reading logs, Simon Brooks’ story-telling, Mary Dawson’s forensic science program, art for kids and more.

Free Passes: are available for The Fells in Newbury, Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum and NH Telephone Museum in Warner, McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord, and the SEE Science Center and Currier Art Gallery, both in Manchester. Passes can be picked up at the Library. You may call for availability.

New Business: Friends update- Laura reported that the Friends of BML received approval from the Selectmen to install a Little Free Library on the grounds of the Bradford Community Center. The Town agreed to complete the installation and has contacted DigSafe before breaking ground for the project. The installation should be complete within a month or so.

The Board anticipates welcoming a new trustee, Robin Steiner, to fill the current vacancy. Trustees agreed that the 3rd Wednesday of the month was acceptable as a regular meeting date in order to accommodate the new trustee’s schedule.

The Next Trustees of Brown Memorial Library Meeting will be Wednesday, July 21st, at 6:30pm in the Library.