Brown Memorial Library Trustees Meeting Minutes 07.03.19

In attendance: Devin Pendleton, Seth Benowitz, Connie Scheffy, Patty Furness, Laurie Farrell, Ellen Barselle, Sandy Wadlington, Annette Leonas

Meeting was called to order at 5:55 PM.

1. There was a motion to accept the secretary’s report, seconded by Connie and Laurie. Secretary’s report was accepted.

2. Treasurer’s report was presented. All expenses on par. The Friends Of BML made a generous financial donation to the library to help with the LED costs and for summer programing. In June, Annette (treasurer) was able renew the library’s CD’s at a much higher rate, more than doubling the return. There was a motion to accept Treasurer’s report, seconded by Connie and Laurie, and it passed.

3. Librarian’s Report: Patron numbers were down in June, but up for program attendance.

4. Old business: There was a discussion about a float for the July 4th parade. Seth updated us on the LED project, saying 3 more lights would be installed by Paul Flinkstrom in the next few weeks in the stacks (back room) section of the library.

5. New Business: Ellen discussed upcoming programs including poetry readings and workshop, Eastern Coyote discussion, Beer Brewing workshop (at location to be determined), and a possible Trivia Night fundraiser. There was a discussion about the need to have a third signer of checks. There was a motion to have Sandy that signer, seconded by Connie and Annette. Motion was passed.

Since many trustees will be away at the time of next month’s meeting, a new meeting day was agreed on. Instead of August 7th, the next Trustee’s meeting will be Monday August 12th and 6PM at the library. Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM

Submitted by: Sandy Wadlington, Secretary