Brown Memorial Library Trustees Minutes 01.08.20

In attendance: Connie Scheffy, Annette Leonas, Devin Pendleton, Patty Furness, Seth Benowitz, Sandy Wadlington, Ellen Barselle

Meeting convened at 6:05PM

Connie motioned and Annette seconded to accept last month’s minutes which was passed.

Treasurer’s Report: In good shape. After using money from Special Projects fund (which is money from book and plant sales, mostly) to pay for new lighting, there is still money left for future needs and for “nest egg”. There was a discussion about what the library pays for and what the town might pay for. Seth motioned, Sandy seconded, to accept Treasurer’s report, which was passed.

Librarian’s Report: December was a busy month with programs and circulation. Ellen discussed a new program she is developing which will be for middle schoolers.

Old business: Door replacement- Sandy motioned and Seth seconded that the quote from Kilted Builders to replace both entry doors be accepted. The motion passed. Roof repair- Sandy motioned and Connie seconded that the proposal from Sentry Roofing to repair the roof around chimney be accepted. Motion passed.

Ellen discussed possible candidates for filling two trustee positions. Annette said she would run again. Sandy expressed desire to step down sometime in the next few months.

Devin suggested need for sub-committees for such things as building and maintenance, budget, policy, and liaison with Friends of the Library. Seth suggested initiating sub committees as needed.

Devin suggested setting goals. All suggestions were received with enthusiasm.

Meeting ended at 6:50PM

Next meeting will be Feb 5th 2020