Brown Memorial Library Trustees Meeting Minutes 12.11.19

Meeting convened at 6:00 pm. In attendance: Laurie Buchar, Devin Pendleton, Patty Furness, Seth Benowitz, Annette Leonas, Sandy Wadlington, Ellen Barselle

There was a motion by Seth, seconded by Laurie, to accept the Secretary’s report. Motion was accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: A motion by Laurie and seconded by Seth to accept donations was presented and passed.

Proposals were presented to Budget Committee for 2020 library budget and were accepted. Proposals included a slight increase for programming, and for digitizing the card catalog.

A motion by Patty and seconded by Devin to accept treasurer’s report was passed.

Librarian’s Report: Ellen wished to acknowledge and thank Fritz Von Beren for his generous help in hanging the new holiday LED lights on the tree in front of the library.

Numbers for patrons and circulation are slightly up. Ellen discussed proposals for programs in 2020. Sandy suggested a program to help seniors understand technology in everyday life. Ellen discussed need for new computer tower (as the old one is very old and very slow) and there was a motion by Laurie with a second from Seth to appropriate up to $550 (from Special Funds) for the purchase of a new one. Motion passed.

Old business: Still looking for a contractor who can install two new doors for the library. Ellen is looking into a roofer to install flashing around chimney to fix a small leak.

Devin suggested forming sub-committees to work on policy issues and building maintenance issues. Patty talked about carpet for library and estimates so far.

Having no further business, there was a motion by Annette, seconded by Sandy, to adjourn. Motion passed and meeting was over at 7PM.

Next meeting January 8th 2020.