Brown Memorial Library Trustees Minutes 10.02.19

Meeting convened at 6:00PM.

In attendance: Patty Furness, Laurie Buchar, Devin Pendleton, Ellen Barselle, Annette Leonas, Sandy Wadlington

There was a motion by Annette and Devin seconded to accept the September minutes. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report: There was a motion by Devin, Patty seconded, to accept donations to the Library. Motion passed. Annette (treasurer) reported all is on track with expenses. Many people stepped up with donations from ongoing book sale. Also, much money was saved due to Seth’s LED lighting improvements. There was a motion by Devin, seconded by Patty, to accept Treasurer’s report. Motion passed.

Librarian’s report: Numbers (patrons and circulation) were down a bit, probably due to summer people leaving. Trend is consistent with past years.
The ILL (Inter Library Loan) system from the state library is back on track and running which will make it easier and more efficient to borrow books from other participating libraries.

Old business: Budget for new year was discussed.

New business: The ongoing success of the Library programs was discussed and appreciated. Halloween at the library will be Thursday Oct 31 from 5-7PM (the library will be open for the event).

It was suggested we go with Ainslie and Son General Contracting for painting the interior of the library, as they offered the best price. There was a motion by Laurie, seconded by Patty, to go with Mr. Ainslie. Motion passed.

A modest pay raise across the board was discussed.

There was a motion by Laurie, seconded by Sandy, to accept Budget proposals. Motion passed.
No new business, and so there was a motion by Laurie, seconded by Patty, to adjourn. Motion passed at 6:55PM.

Next meeting will be Nov.6th 2019 at 6PM

Submitted by Sandy Wadlington, Secretary