Budget Committee 10.20.11

P.O. BOX436
BRADFORD, N.H. 03221
OCTOBER 20, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Gary Wall, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:25pm with Jon Marden, George Cilley and Dick Keller present.

Review and Consideration of September 8th, 2011 Minutes:

Motion was made by Dick Keller to accept the minutes of Sept. 8th as presented. Motion was seconded by Jon Marden and motion carried 4-0.

Review of Third/Quarter Expense Report:

The members had two reports in their possession, the first received by E-mail dated10/12/2011 and a second provided dated 10/20/2011. The first issue was in the difference in the Grand Total compilations; the 10/12 report showing a balance of 15.34% and the 10/20 report showing 25.75% remaining. It was also noted that the 10/12 report had a great many items included on page 9 that was not included in the later report. With the 3rd/4 having ended on 9/30/2011 the Committee felt that we should get a copy of the expenditures at that time to have a better sense of the balances remaining for the 4th quarter.

The question came up in several instances where a zero budget amount is shown and an expenditure is charged to the account. Is there a miss appropriation and should this sum be charged else ware. Should the auditor have picked up and questioned these items. Item 4152 Tax Map Update brought up the question of the process being complete where the property cards remain inaccurate.

Lots of questions about part time payments in various departments as well as supplies Police budget for Supplies-Uniforms includes a payment to Ayre & Goss which most likely should be under Gasoline that may put that line over.

Jon Marden brought up the lack of written policies for the different departments that would help understand the services and related cost. The use of personal credit cards in place of Town cards along with the dedication of the expense was raised by George Cilley.

Marden raised the problem of monies being shifted between different lines so true expenses can be determined at least for the budget. Line 4225-6900, Rescue Squad training, $650 budgeted, $5,132 spent without explanation.

4240, Building Dept, $9,325, overspent by $410 with the balance of the year to be covered?

Jon Marden pointed out the dramatic difference of $139,739 in Total-01 General Fund, between the two reports really needs an explanation. Gary Wall pointed out the difference in dates on the reports.and Jon could not see where the money came from.

On Going Process

The Committee will request that Cheryl attend the next meeting and help us out with her explanations. Gary Wall will pull together the comments and Jon Marden will forward the same to Cheryl.

Organizational Change

Chairman Wall stated that due to other commitments he will relinquish his position as chair and asked that Vice Chair Keller assume the chairmanship following this meeting.

Other Business

Dick Keller reviewed his budget study and asked for comments at the next meeting. With the idea that we sit down with the selectmen and review this budget target so that they will consider these limits as they sit down with Department heads

The Chair asked for any public input with none to be had.

The Chair asked for adjournment at 8:16pm

Next Meeting—November 3, 2011 Location to be determined