Budget Committee 11.11.15

Town of Bradford

Budget Committee Meeting

November 11, 2015


Call To Order and Roll Call:

George Cilley, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with Don Jackson, Dick Keller, Beth Downs, Kathy Rodgers, Chris Mock, Cheryl Behr, Karen Hambleton and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

John Pfeifle was absent.

Review and Consideration of October 21, 2015 Minutes:

Motion to approve as presented made by Dick Keller, Seconded by Beth Downs.

Dick advised the date was the 21st, not 22nd. Motion carried with edit.

Cheryl Behr handed out all of the 2016 Budget Proposals that she has at this time to be reviewed and considered by the Budget Committee, but not viewed by the Selectmen.

Discussion and Preparation for Individual Department Heads for Review:

4150 Financial Administration           $101,862.83

Cheryl Behr advised there will be a voting machine purchased for $1,100.00 which is not required by law, but will aid in the counting of ballots. This is line item 7401.

Motion was made by Dick Keller to conditionally accept the Financial Administration Budget including the additional amount. Kathy Rodgers seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

4220    Fire Department         $ 55,950.00

This year’s budget is $9,500.00 less than last year. Telephone bill questioned.

Motion was made by Dick Keller to request the Fire Dept. to come before the Budget Committee for discussion. Seconded by Beth Downs. Motion carried unanimously.

Karen Hambleton questioned if there could be a list identifying what would be asked of them.

4225    Rescue Squad            $ 91,563.00

Line item 3500 will be $64,000.00 for 2016 for Contract Services with Henniker per Cheryl Behr based on 2015 amount.

Motion was made by Don Jackson to ask the Rescue Squad to come into the Budget Committee for discussion. Seconded by Chris Mock.

Motion carried unanimously.

4220    Police Department     $453,610.30

The Police Department Budget is down $16,482.94 from last year.

Motion made by Dick Keller to request the Police Dept come before the Budget Committee. Seconded by Chris Mock. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion of Warrant Articles Received:

Fire Department

“To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of fifty Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($54,500) to construct floor drains in the fire station and purchase a washer and dryer. This will be a non lapsing appropriation per RSA 32.7,VI to continue until the money is spent or December 31, 2021.”

Discussion ensued and the breakdown is $30,000 for the floor drain and $24,500 for the washer and dryer. Other alternatives were discussed. It was also discussed that a drain would require pumping for an additional annual cost.

”To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of Sixty Five Thousand Dollars (65,000) to be placed in the Fire Department Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund previously established.”

Discussion ensued and it was stated that the CIP schedule is for $35,000 annually.

Motion was made by Don Jackson to discuss these two Articles with the Fire Dept when they come in. Seconded by Chris Mock.

4191    Planning Board          $10,298.00

Approved unanimously

4191    Gen Govt Bldgs         $52,002.00

Copier, Heat and Oil were discussed.

Approved unanimously

4199    Other General Govt   $ 7,280.00

Approved unanimously

4312    Hgy Dept.      $517,001.78

Will request Road Agent come in for discussion

It was stated the RFQ for the Bement Bridge is due on Friday Nov. 13, 2015 and will be built in 2017. Design will be worked on in 2016, and Cheryl Behr asked if there were any volunteers. Don Jackson and George Cilley volunteered to be on the Committee.

4323    Solid Waste Collection          $ 78,639.39

Approved unanimously

4324    Solid Waste Disposal $ 35,100.00

Cheryl advised the amount is incorrect and she will adjust.

Approved unanimously.

4415    Innoculations $ 100.00

Approved unanimously

4589    Community Center    $ 23,086.00

George Cilley mentioned the window sills still in need of paint.

Discussion included roof. Cheryl Behr will adjust line item 7307.

Approved unanimously

4711    Long Term Notes       $ 49,836.00

It was noted that the Highway Dept. Bond will be paid off in 2016 in the amount of $ 16,000.00..

4723    Interest on TAN Notes          $ 2,500.00

Discussion ensued with discussion regarding extending number of salaried positions with existing positions

Public Input:

Jon Marden questioned if Fire Dept. could take laundry to other town under contract? Could female detainees be handled in another way rather than have a Matron on duty at the Police Station? Telephone bill discussed and possible ways to lower it.

Suggestion was made to take a line item, such as supplies, for an itemized list of what was purchased and the cost from each department.

David Woolpert, Henniker Budget Committee Member introduced himself. Mr. Woolpert was a long time member of the Pembroke Budget Committee.

Next Meeting is scheduled for:

Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 6:30 pm

George Cilley, Chair advised this is his last meeting and Beth Downs will be the new Chair. The Secretary also advised Camilla Devlin will be the Secretary.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley