Budget Committee Minutes 01.09.17



January 9, 2017

Meeting called to order at 6:35pm by Beth Downs.

Members Present: Beth Downs, Chair; Dick Keller; Chris Mock; Kathy Rodgers; Dave Nunnally; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Michael James; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Review and Consideration of Minutes

Minutes were approved with one correction: The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for ThursdayMonday, January 9th, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Community Center (following the Selectmen’s meeting).

Review of Budgets:

The Budget Committee picked up with the Fire Department budget and reviewed each line item of the remaining budgets and discussed any questions.

Fire Department: The Committee would like to have the Chief of the Fire Department further explain the following line items in his budget: Telephone, Repairs & Maint- Radios, Repairs & Maint- Vehicles, Supplies- Uniforms/Protective Clothing, Repairs & Maint- Equipment, Repair & Maint- Bldg, Equipment Purchases, and Inspections

Rescue Squad -FAST: The Committee would like Carl Goldberg to give detail on the following line items in his budget: Training Wages, Telephone, Repairs & Maint- Equipment, Service Contracts, Continuing Education, Supplies and Paramedic Intercept

Rescue – Contract Services: The Committee would like to have Karen gather more information on both accounts (Contract Services Henniker and Henniker Ambulance C/R)

Building Dept: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Civil Defense: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Highway Dept: The Committee would like to have Barry Wheeler further discuss the following line items in his budget: Wages-PT, Health Insurance, Contract Services-General, Contract Services-Tree Removal, Heat and oil, Repairs & Maintenance-Equipment, Supplies-Chains & Blades, Supplies-Gravel, Supplies-Road Patch, Repairs, Maint-Bldgs, Dust control and Bridge repair

Bridges: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Street Lighting: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Waste Collection: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Solid Waste Disposal: The Committee approved this budget 6-1

Inoculations: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Welfare: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Welfare Payments: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Parks & Recreation: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Library: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Patriotic Purposes: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Community Center: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Other Conservation: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

Long Term Notes: The Committee decided to table this budget line till next meeting

Interest on Tan Notes: The Committee approved this budget 7-0

The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 19th, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Community Center. The Committee will be meeting with the Town Clerk/Tax Collector and Town Administrator at 6:30, the Police Department at 7:00, the Fire Department at 7:30 and the Rescue Department at 8:00. Karen will confirm with the Department Heads.

The following meeting will be held on Thursday, January 26th, at 6:30pm at the Community Center. The Committee will be meeting with the Road Agent at 6:30, then review warrant articles. The Selectmen will attend both these meetings.

As there was no further business to come before the Committee, meeting adjourned at 8:46.

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.