Budget Committee Minutes 01.19.12

P O BOX 436
BRADFORD, N.H. 03221
JANUARY 19, 2012

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Dick Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with Don Jackson, Beth Rodd, George Cilley, Jon Marden, Harry Wright, Chair Selectmen, Barry Wheeler, Selectmen and Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Gary Wall was absent.

Review and Consideration of January 12, 2012 minutes:

Motion to approve as presented made by George Cilley, Don Jackson seconded. Motion carried 5-0.

Dick Keller, Chair thanked Cheryl Behr, Administrator for getting the Warrant Articles together so the committee had a chance to review them.

Warrant Articles:

Discussion was brought up on the purchase of Asphalt, and the higher the tonnage, the rate would be lower, by about $9.00 per ton.

East Main Street may require a different tonnage due to the width of the street.

Also discussed is the grader, and Cheryl Behr stated there are 30 miles of dirt roads in Bradford.

Don Jackson questioned getting verification of miles of roads and hours on the grader, and forwarding the information to the Selectmen or Budget Committee, so they can substantiate what they are asking for. Also, is the grader repairable or not? Some thoughts were, renting a grader to do whatever is needed in town.

The budget of $775,550.00 the Selectmen have come up with less the $106,000.00 from Rescue Fund Balance leaving a $669,550.00 total is about $274,000.00 over what the Budget Committee would like to see as a total was discussed at length.

Harry Wright, Selectmen questioned should they be putting up a set of numbers that we feel people will agree to, or should they be putting up a set of numbers that the town requires?

Jon Marden interjected that the town looks for guidance from the Selectmen and Budget Committee.

Ed Shaughnessy discussed the anticipated new police cruiser this year, and advised the basic cost for a Ford Interceptor sedan, an all wheel drive vehicle was $ 24,707.00 and stated the outfitting would run between $10,000 and $12,000.

The Boards went down through the list of Warrant Articles individually and then will compare with the CIP for 2012 to see how it all ties together per Dick Keller, Chair.

Highway Heavy Equipment                               $30,000.00      $12,052.86 Bal. in Reserve

Fire Dept. Heavy Equipment                             25,000.00

Town Facilities Emergency Repairs                   5,000.00 Special Warrant Article

Town Facility – renovations      CR      5,000.00

Rescue Payroll                          CR       106,000.00 Will go into Gen’l Fund

(Not to be raised again, but come out of Fund Balance)

Gravestone Repair         4,000.00 Expendable Trust

Road Rehab                                                     50,000.00       Warrant Article

Boat Launch                                                     5,000.00 Warrant Article

BNSYS                                                           2,750.00 Warrant Article

Police Cruiser                                                   11,800.00       Warrant Article

Discussion regarding the total cost of the Police Cruiser came up with a total of $24, 707.00 plus the cost of outfitting it of about $12,000.00 for a total of $35,240.00 if purchased outright. The Selectmen are open to discuss further whether to purchase the Police Cruiser out right or to lease it. Final figures will be procured for each way before a final decision is made. (Figures do not add up)

Ambulance                                           CR       10,000.00

New Bridge Design Rt 103                   48,000.00

Sidewalk Main St. Improvement CR 10,000.00

Revaluation                                           CR       10,000.00

Snow and Fuel Emergencies                             5,000.00 Expendable Reserve

Radio Replacement Hgy & Fire Dept.   32,000.00 Warrant Article

CR= Capital Reserve.

Operating Budget Score Card:

A sheet was handed out to the Board by Dick Keller, Chair showing the Selectmen 2012 Budget and the Budget Committee Budget and the difference is primarily the 3.6% increase in wages and the difference of $61,000.00 in the Highway Department. The difference between the two operating budgets is $87,000.00 or 4.5%. The total difference is $274,010. for all reserves and warrants.

Topics discussed include:

East Main Street is #1 road to be done in conjunction with the new sidewalk.

Harry Wright, Chair Selectmen advised he will give an up date on the sidewalks at Town Meeting.

The Selectmen are working on the tonnage and quoted package deal and will get a split out of the roads as to amounts required.

Would leasing grader reduce Capital Reserve? Condition of grader will be checked on.

Road Rehab was discussed with an amount of $50,000.00 and there is $30,000.00 left, so question is can the amount be reduced to $20,000.00? Cheryl Behr will put this on the Agenda for the January 24, 2012 Selectmen’s meeting to be discussed further.

Three items for the Selectmen to reconsider are:

#20 Highway Heavy Equipment, Reduce by $15,000.00. #23 Roads Rehab to $20,000.00, #21 New Cruiser, Lease or Purchase.

Also discussed was #11 New Bridge Design, reduce by $20,000.00 and put in next years budget.

Question was asked if they could put an additional $15,000.00 in Executive for additional help in the Selectmen’s office for the continuity of the functions of the office. Budget Committee was unanimous in moving forward with this plan.

Operating Budget:

Employee Benefits:

Motion was made by Jon Marden to discuss the amount of $304,575.00 #4155 Employee Benefit. Seconded by George Cilley. This included vacation buy back, 100% dental, Life Insurance and Disability. The change would be to reduce the 3.6% pay increase and the total amount would be $298,575.00.

Jon Marden stated that he will say this for the Selectmen that were there he did not think the employees should have any input on what the employee benefit package is. It was stated that in the Selectmen’s minutes, the Employee Manual was changed in three different respects and a person from the audience stated that now the raise is actually in conflict with what you just voted on, so the Selectmen re-voted on the 3.6% raise to comply with the most current manual.

Motion made by Jon Marden to amend the Dental Insurance line #4155-2190 under Employee Benefits, from $12,000.00 to $6,000.00. Seconded by Don Jackson.

Motion carried 5-0.

Jon Marden advised he is not happy with the solution to the Health Insurance concerns.

Motion with Amendment carried 5-0.

Planning and Zoning:

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve the Planning and Zoning Budget, #4191 at $8,050.00. Jon Marden seconded. Motion carried 5-0.


Motion was made to accept Cemetery #4195 at $25,141.00 by Don Jackson. Seconded by George Cilley. This is for custodian and landscaping. Motion carried 5-0.


Motion was made by Jon Marden to accept Revaluation of Property #4152 at $25,555.00. Seconded by Beth Rodd. Dick Keller voted No. Motion carried 4-1.

Discussion regarding Tax Maps and it was stated that they were done and there were some that were not done correctly. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised they do not get the mergers from the Planning Board on time. Marge Cilley, Secretary advised as soon as the information comes back from Merrimack County Registry of Deeds the information is put in the Assessors Box. Perhaps Policy and Procedures need to be upgraded per Jon Marden.

Next meeting is scheduled for: January 26, 2012 6:30pm

Meeting Adjourned 9:10pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
