THRC Minutes 01.21.12

JANUARY 21, 2012

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly, Chair called the meeting to order at 10:05am with Audrey Sylvester, Phyllis Wilcox, Marcia Keller, Dick Keller, George Cilley, Michele Halsted, Beth Rodd, John Greenwood, Caryl Walker and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of Minutes:

January 13, 2012:

Motion was made to accept the minutes of January 13, 2012 by Dick Keller. Seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried 10-0

January 14, 2012 Town Forum:

Motion was made by George Cilley to accept the January 14, 2012 minutes, seconded by Dick Keller.

Note from Harry Wright, Chair Selectmen to correct minutes: On page 5, paragraph reads: Harry Wright, Selectmen stated that the whole mold issue being trumped up, which activated the Town Hall closing. I promise you, the majority vote of the Board of Selectmen’s decision to close the town hall was a good faith effort based on knowledge provided:.

Rewrite the first part of the paragraph to read:

“A member of the audience stated that he had heard that the mold issue had been trumped up to activate the Town Hall closing. Harry Wright, selectman, stated I promise you, the majority vote of the board of Selectmen’s decision to close the town hall was a good faith effort based on knowledge provided.

On page 8 of the minutes, 4th paragraph up from the bottom of the page, Jeff Taylor’s comments should say: Please go out and do more work.

Motion carried 10-0.

Forum Notes have been received by Jeff Taylor who was the Facilitator.

Eileen Kelly, Chair went over Harry Wright’s comments on the Town Hall Restoration.

Audrey Sylvester stated she had a conversation with Elizabeth Muzzy, Director at the N.H. Division of Historical Resources regarding some confusion about what we wanted to do with the Town Hall. Audrey stated that Ms Muzzey advised there is no restriction on what the town can do with the property because it is on the National Register of Historic property. Solid advice, for renovations, follow the direction of the Secretary of the Interior Guide Lines. This outlines a non restrictive way, but sensible way of approaching renovations of the building.

Michele Halsted read a couple of the Standards:

“The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided”.

“Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities.

There are other standards, these are hi-lights.

Mr. Michaud from the Division of Historical Resources will come to Bradford to look at the Town Hall. Tentative date is set for Monday, January 23, 2012 at 3:00pm. John Greenwood, George Cilley, Audrey Sylvester and Caryl Walker, Dick and Marcia Keller will be available.

NH Preservation Alliance could make restrictions on the building as they are Preservation.

Audrey Sylvester also spoke with a person at the National Register, Preservation Tax Incentives & Covenants Coordinator and stated “ It is possible to put in a new basement, However, Security & how the police operate must be considered. There is a difference between grading for drainage and grading to allow for a Sallie Port. Changes in grade must be evaluated carefully. Challenge: would re-grading negatively impact the historic nature of the site? Buildings have had foundation changes that are acceptable.

John Greenwood suggested the best thing for this gentleman would be a Conceptual Plan prior to coming to see the Town Hall, and maybe a February 1 date would be advantageous.

At this time the committee moved upstairs as there was a gentleman who came to remove the pool table from the Youth room.

Dick Keller had someone look at the Town Hall excavation and grading who returned a figure of around $130,000.00, including grading side and back, replacing 1/3 sill members., 12 “ walls and jut outs with 8’ high slab and faced in Granite would be $9,000 additional.

The Selectmen are looking for a Warrant Article by January 31, 2012.

Marcia Keller will contact Marie Pelletier, VP Lake Sunapee Bank regarding financing on $450,000.00 regarding cost of each type of loan available for our next meeting.

Carl Rubchinuk, Unity Rigging, Unity, NH, came to the Town Hall Restoration Committee meeting this morning and stated a long term solution should be the goal of the committee. Mr. Rubchinuk also stated that the wall should be 15 to 18 inches with steel beams under the building, probably 3. Also the height should be more than 8 feet with proper drains and all permitted. CanAm Structural Steel Building in Claremont could make the steel beams as ordered.

It was discussed about moving the town hall to another location. That was estimated at about a $200,000.00 cost. All trees and poles would have to be removed on Main Street.

Mr. Rubchinuk also stated that if there were a ledge under the building, it would have to be moved, and not let the building set on it as the earth continually moves…

To move the building over, put in foundation, perimeter drains with 3-3 ½ ‘footings an estimated cost to set back on would be around $210,000.00, and this would last many, many years.

By moving the building, the “Historical Building” would be lost was stated.

Procedures of Town Meeting will be checked with Bracket Scheffy, Moderator.

Discussion ensued regarding talking with Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief and Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised since it is a Municipal Building, Chief Goldberg would refer any concerns to the State Fire Marshall.

Monday, January 23, 2012       1:00pm Group going to Workshop to meet at Audrey’s

Monday, January 23, 2012 3:00pm Group going to Town Hall with Mr. Michaud

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 6:00pm THRC Meeting with Selectmen

Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012 Group meeting for Grant Workshop

Thursday, January 26, 2012 6:30pm Meet with Budget Committee

Much discussion ensued regarding all aspects of the THRC’s work and route to accomplishing their goals.

Next Meeting scheduled: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2012 7:00PM

Meeting Adjourned 12:40pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
