Budget Committee Minutes 01.30.13

JANUARY 30, 2013

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Dick Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm with Jon Marden, Will Hurley, George Cilley, Beth Rodd, Harry Wright, Selectmen’s Representative, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of January 16, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made to approve the January 16, 2013 minutes as presented by George Cilley. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried 4-0. (Harry Wright and Beth Rodd had not yet arrived.)

Review and Recommendation on Warrant Articles:

Tom Riley, #4195 Cemetery came before the Budget Committee stating the gravestone repair was requested at $2,000.00. Balance on 12/31/2011 was $22,900.99 in the Trust Fund. In 2012 $4,000.00 was spent, leaving a balance of $18,900.99. An estimate of what is to be done for gravestone repair next year by StoneFalls was received by the Board, which Tom stated as being $2625.00.

This is not included in the Operating Budget as it is a Warrant Article. Jon Marden questioned him as to the amount being $2,625.00. (Amount not clear on the tape.) Tom was questioned if interest from the Trust Fund can be applied to which Tom Riley replied yes, if there is any.

4210 Police Department:

No one appeared from the Police Department.

#4220 Fire Department – Generator:

Mark Goldberg came before the Budget Committee.

Paul Charbonneau came before the Budget Committee explaining he has spent his lifetime working with diesel engines and the benefits of it over propane. Mr. Charbonneau advised a propane generator will have a lifespan of about 1/3 of the diesel lifespan. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief presented a comparison sheet for both, Diesel and LP and handed them out to the Board as he went over the facts and figures. Questions and answers ensued. It was stated that different towns use different sizes and types for various reasons. Mark reiterated that the Fire Department voted unanimously to request to include the $8,900. from their repair account and put towards the Generator in reply to a question asked by Jon Marden. The Capital Reserve is saved for large items. Dick Keller, Chair questioned Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative if the Selectmen are in agreement, and Harry stated their vote was for diesel, voted on at their Jan. 14, 2013 meeting.

Chris Frey suggested they reduce the $8,900. line item by $8,800, leaving $100.00 in that account.

Motion was made to recommend #4220 Fire Department Generator in the Warrant at $37,000. by Will Hurley, Seconded by Beth Rodd. Motion carried 6-0.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised scrubbers are needed; however the generator does come first, with scrubbers to be considered next year. Mark also suggested talking budgets earlier in the year.

#4194 General Buildings – Community Building:

Warrant Article still not discussed by the Selectmen as the results of Peter Steffansen, the structural engineer who has checked on the building, has not been received at this time. It is anticipated he will be getting in touch with Bruss Construction who Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative will follow up with. It was reiterated that the Hearing is scheduled for the 8th of February. The existing Warrant Article amount is $14,000.00 for a certain task. There is currently $15,000.00 in Emergency Repair with an additional $5,000.00 voted to be added this year.

This is on hold for now.

Jon Marden questioned how many meetings will the Budget Committee hold next week.

Only room for two is available per Dick Keller, Chair, Jon went on to state we have not gone through half the Warrants as they are not prepared. Comment was if they are not prepared, then the Budget Committee will not act on them.

 #4210 Police Department:

It was hoped that Chief Valiquet would be present as he had been discussing leasing a cruiser and was going to put figures together per Dick Keller, Chair. Discussion regarding purchasing a new cruiser this quickly. Would like to see the Selectmen recommend a Warrant Article for Capital Reserve for $10,000 or $15,000 to purchase a cruiser the following year. Much discussion ensued.

Highway Sign for the Police Department was discussed. Was listed at $20,000 originally is now $17,500.00. Selectmen have not recommended at this time, but did discuss it. Management questioned as well as advantages. Signs in other locations were related to as to effect. Will Hurley advised there are Solar Signs available for $4,000 and $3,000 for direct wire. It was also stated that we have a very low fatality rate, and reasonably low accident rate in this town, and if this sign is intended to reduce both of those, what is the benefit? If the Selectmen do not recommend, this will not be on the Warrant.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013 is the next Budget Committee meeting at 6:30.

Bond Issues and possible Petition Articles are questionable at this time.

Jon Marden advised if the Selectmen have not voted on them by Tuesday, then he will vote no, no matter what as that is the last opportunity prior to the Public Hearing on February 8th. It is hoped the Town Hall Restoration Bond amount will be available by next Monday.

Warrant Article Five:

Discussion regarding Road Bond amount and detail transpired. Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative advised candidly he has been on the edges of that Article from day one.

He is still waiting for numbers to justify amount. The Selectmen did not vote on this.

Debbie Flinkstrom – Parks and Rec:

Debbie Flinkstrom had called to see if she could talk with the Budget Committee this evening regarding Parks and Rec, as they are requesting $2,000.00. This is being asked for as they are planning on some additional programs, such as a skating rink and a nature walk out back, and need the additional $500.00 for funding.

Motion was made to reconsider the Parks and Rec Budget to $2,000.00 made by Beth Rodd. Motion seconded by Will Hurley. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion was made by Beth Rodd to recommend the Parks and Rec Budget be raised to $2,000.00. Jon Marden voted No. Motion carried 5-1.

Discussion regarding the skating rink and the two areas considered are the Brown and ShattuckPark and the Town Hall parking lot. It was suggested the Town Hall parking lot not be used as a skating rink.

There being no other business to come before the Board, motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 8:30pm.

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 5, 2013.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
