Budget Committee Minutes 02.18.12

FEBRUARY 16, 2012

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Dick Keller, Chair opened the meeting at 6:00pm with Jon Marden, George Cilley, Don Jackson, Gary Wall, Beth Rodd, Jack Meaney, Selectmen’s Representative and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

Review and Consideration of February 9, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by George Cilley to approve the minutes from February 9, 2012. Gary Wall seconded. Question was asked about the Police budget being $163.00 short, but it was determined it was the way it was stated in these minutes.

Dick Keller added although it was not part of the actual minutes, he is concerned about it, as it was directly after the meeting that Chris Aiken produced a letter to the board, (letter on file) which points out a certain lack of trust which we seem to have in that memo that is being circulated.

Motion carried 6-0. Jack Meaney abstained not having been present to all of that meeting.

Finalization of the Police Budget:

Beth Rodd advised the motion made on February 9, 2012 was meant to be $315,163, and she inadvertently left off the $163.00 when she made the motion.

Motion was made by Beth Rodd to adjust the figure for the Police Budget, #4210-4214 to the original intent of $315,163. Seconded by Jack Meaney, Selectmen Representative. Motion carried 7-0.

Discussion between Cheryl and the Board regarding her receiving the figures from the Budget Committee as soon as they are voted on and available, and not wait for the completion of everything.


The board reviewed the current MS-7.

6:15 pm, recessed until the Public Hearing beginning at 6:30pm

Reopened the meeting at 6:50pm and the Budget Committee members signed their Budget for 2012.

Next scheduled meeting on: MARCH 8, 2012 AT 6:30PM

Meeting Adjourned 7:15

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary