Budget Committee Minutes 04.20.10

APRIL 20, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Chris Aiken opened the meeting at 7:03pm with Gary Wall, Don Jackson, George Cilley, Beth Rodd, Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Peter Fenton, Selectmen Representative attended after the Selectmen’s meeting was over at 7:15pm.

Gary Wall explained the existing process to the new members who are: Beth Rodd until 2011, Don Jackson until 2013 and George Cilley until 2013. Also, the new members received a copy of the 2008 Basic Law of Town, Village and School District Budgeting.

Gary Wall suggested a moment of silence in memory of Robert Stewart, Sr. in recognition for all he had done and been to the town and as he enters into a new life. Mr. Stewart passed away last week.

Motion was made by Beth Rodd to elect Gary Wall as the new Chairman of the Budget Committee for 2010. Motion was seconded by George Cilley. Motion carried 5-0.

It was brought up that a new member will need to be appointed to replace the long time member, Robert Stewart, Sr. Two names were recommended.

1. Jane Lucas               2. Joe Conway.

Gary Wall will talk with Jane Lucas and Joe Conway. Upon talking with them, a date for the next meeting will be set and given to the Secretary to alert all members.

It was also discussed to change the hour of the Budget Committee meetings to 7:30pm in order for the Selectmen Representative, Administrator and Secretary to finish with the Selectmen’s meeting prior to the commencement of the Budget Committee meeting.

Jon Marden is working on the Employee Benefit package and will come in and talk with the Budget Committee as well as the Selectmen with his findings.

At this time, the Budget Committee went over the Expense Accounts on an individual basis and came up with a few questions. One of the questions was a concern for the Highway Repairs and Maint-Buildings, No. 01-4312-7300 which has a Percent Remaining Budget of (351.95)%. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she would check on this, and on April 21, 2010 forwarded the following answer to the Budget Committee Members. The money was the final expenses incurred in the installation of the alarm system in the old garage and fuel shed.

Meeting adjourned 7:50pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley