Budget Committee Minutes 09.15.22

Meeting was called to order at 6:32pm

Members – Laurie Colburn (Chair), Justin Dohrn, Jen Richardson, Beth Downs (Select Board Rep) and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator were in attendance

Tim McKenna was absent

Kimberly Firth was also in attendance

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to approve the minutes of June 9th, 2022

Second: Jen Richardson

Decision: 4-0

The Committee reviewed the key responsibilities and process the Committee follows in developing a General Budget recommendation.

Expenses through August 2022 were reviewed. 37% of the budget remains. The Committee discussed areas of the budget that were trending under/over budget plans. Overall, any risk items should be able to mitigated within the constraints of the Budget.

The Committee had planned to do a preview of the Capital Improvement Program but this item was tabled pending finalization of the CIP by the Planning Board.

Beth provided a Select Board update, reviewing the plans for the Town Hall and funding that has been secured.

Laurie put forth a proposal to make an adjustment to the wording of Section VI:A:2 of the Budget Committee Rules & Procedures to replace “meeting shall take place on the 3rd Thursday of every month” to “shall meet as the budget season requires on a regular schedule”. A Public Hearing will need to be held to officially adopt this language. Laurie will schedule a Public Hearing.

Motion: Justin Dohrn motioned to hold a Public Hearing to reword the Rules & Procedures to change section VI:A:2 to read “shall meet as the budget season requires on a regular schedule”.

Second: Jen Richardson

Decision: 4-0

The Committee also discussed attending the School District Budget meeting or engaging with the School Board member more proactively.

The Committee agreed to spend some time reviewing the remaining language in the Rules & Procedures. 

The upcoming NH Municipal Budget workshop that will be held virtually on September 20th was discussed. Laurie will attend.

The Committee discussed a schedule to meet with Department heads to review their 2023 budget submissions. The Committee determined they would meet November 3rd, November 17th and December 8th. Based upon remaining activity future dates will be determined in December and the Committee will target a Public Hearing date of January 26th, 2023.

Karen will send the initial budget to the members prior to the November 3rd meeting.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to appoint Kimberly Firth to the Budget Committee

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 4-0

Laurie will work with Erica Gross to make the appointment official.

Future Business:

The next meeting will be held November 3rd, 2022

The 2023 Budget Public Hearing must be noticed by February 10th, 2023 and held by February 17th, 2023.

Motion: Jen Richardson motioned to adjourn at 7:42pm

Second: Justin Dohrn

Decision: 4-0