Budget Committee Minutes 12.07.10

DECEMBER 7, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Gary Wall, Chair opened the meeting at 7:00pm with Don Jackson, Chris Aiken, Dick Keller, Beth Rodd, and George Cilley present. Peter Fenton, Selectmen’s Representative, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley Secretary arrived at 7:15pm.

Gary Wall, Chair suggested they take a moment to reflect on the heroism and sacrifices that the victims and survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, 69 years ago, and remember our hearts go out to those defending our country.

Motion was made by Dick Keller to accept the minutes of November 23, 2010. Seconded by Chris Aiken. Motion carried 6-0.

Gary Wall brought to the attention of the board the RSA 91-A Right to Know Law. Gary advised he has some correspondence from Attorney Paul Sanderson at the Local Government Center dated December 5, 2010. This follows up some conversation that Gary had with him. Gary Wall, Chair advised he had been served with a letter from Mark Goldberg, Fire Dept. requesting all the e-mails concerning the Budget Committee from Election Day through November 30, 2010. Gary advised he has responded to him and gave him all the e-mails that were connected with the Budget Committee. In checking with Paul Sanderson, Attorney, I have satisfied this request to me. It is very evident that everyone on any committee or any one that can create government records, do things in the right fashion with the guidelines of the RSA. This does not exclude anyone; it can include every public department. Gary Wall, Chair advised that if anyone has any questions regarding the Right to Know Law after reading it, call Atty. Paul Sanderson, LGC for clarification.


4130                            Executive

Questioned weight of copy paper used-Cheryl explained lesser paper weight cannot be used in the copier. Paper is provided for Selectmen’s office, Planning Board, ZBA, Budget Committee, All Depts. except Fire Dept. and Police Dept.

1400 Part Time Wages questioned, and addressed by Cheryl Behr, Administrator as the Payroll Clerk and Secretary and includes the Budget Committee Secretary. Supplies for Budget Comm. dropped to $164.00. Cheryl checking on part time wages, so hold for now.

4153                            Legal                                                                $22,000.00

Motion was made by Chris Aiken to accept 4153. Seconded by Don Jackson, Carried 6-0.

4155                            Employee Benefits                                            $297,442.60

Additional family insurance policies incl.

Cops Grant will repay new hire.

Single policy cost: $761.31 Mo

2 person policy cost: $1,522.63 Mo

Family policy cost 2,055.55 Mo

Motion made by Dick Keller to accept 4155, seconded by George Cilley. Carried 7-0

4191                            Planning                                                            $ 8,100.00

Motion made by Don Jackson to accept 4191, Seconded by Dick Keller. Carried 7-0

4196                            Insurance

Cheryl Behr, Administrator will talk with LGC

4199                            Other General Gov’t                                         $ 10,100.00

Shortening period of Sanitation unit at French’s Park.

Motion made by Beth Rodd to accept 4199,

Seconded by George Cilley. Carried 7-0.

4220                            Fire                                                                  $ 59,250.00

Tanker is paid off.

Excavator to dredge out fire pond.

Questioned if any Grants are being planned for this year, reply No. Purchasing of radios discussed. Electric increase is for anticipated per diem employees for rescue squad.

Motion was made by Don Jackson to accept 4220

Seconded by George Cilley. Carried 7-0.

4290                            Emergency Mgmt.                                            $ 500.00

Training and re-locating people from Plottners

Motion made by Beth Rodd to accept 4290

Seconded by Dick Keller. Carried 7-0.

4240                            Building                                                            $ 10,325.00

About $4800.00 returned in fees

Motion made by Chris Aiken to accept.

Seconded by Don Jackson. Carried 7-0.

4312                            Highway

Don Jackson questioned wages and there is no new hire and overtime is reduced.

Culvert replacement being discussed.

George Cilley questioned where inspections are being done and asked if they went out to bid, and also mentioned other locations in town that do them. Gary Wall, Chair advised he was questioned why two town trucks were out at 2:30 am and traveling in tandem and being concerned about over time. Peter Fenton, Selectman will check with Jeff Remillard on this.

This will be revisited later. When the Budget Committee is ready to discuss the Highway Dept. they will ask Jeff Remillard, Road Agent to join them.

4316                            Street Lights                                                     $ 4,500.00

Discussion ensued regarding putting more lights at the Community Center area. LED lights checked out from PSNH.

Motion made by Beth Rodd to accept 4316, seconded by George Cilley. Carried 7-0.

4313                            Bridges                                                 $ 25.00

Motion made by George Cilley to accept 4313, seconded by Beth Rodd. Carried 7-0.

4415                            Inoculations                                                       250.00

Motion made by Beth Rodd to accept 4415, seconded by Dick Keller. Carried 7-0.

4550                            Library                                                             $ 62,525.00

Motion was made by Don Jackson to accept 4550, seconded by George Cilley. Carried 7-0

4711                            Long Term Notes                                             $ 35,000.00

Motion made by Beth Rodd to accept 4711, seconded by Chris Aiken. Carried 7-0

4723                            TAX Anticipation                                             $ 3,000.00

Motion was made by Beth Rodd to accept 4723, seconded by George Cilley. Carried 7-0

Chris Aiken questioned the Transfer Station Tipping Fees and Cheryl Behr advised Naughton has quoted $65.00 per ton. Ken has not disclosed what the tipping fee is going to be this year.

Gary Wall, Chair advised since there is no other business from the Budget Committee he will open the floor to public comments at this time.

Under 4312 – Highway Department:

Question was asked if rental equipment breaks down, who repairs it to which Peter Fenton, Selectman replied the owner repairs on his time and expense.

Eileen Kelly questioned Highway Department Equipment Rental and expressed importance of a quote from other individuals other than the Road Agent, who does rent equipment to the town, and present any additional quotes directly to the Selectmen not to the Road Agent, as this could be considered a conflict of interest. Other questions of concern were who insures the rented equipment. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Town Liability insurance covers it, plus the individual must provide a certificate of insurance. The employees should report any thing wrong with the equipment and if they do not feel comfortable doing the job, they should report it to their supervisor and if they do not get the right answer, then take it to the next step. Peter Fenton, Selectmen advised they had just talked with the Road Crew about this. Town Insurance should be contacted and have the concerns in writing regarding rental equipment.

Jon Marden concerns Under the Fire Department were the Hydrants in the amount of $7200.00 and once this is in the operating budget, there is no control over it whether over or under budget as it is a single project. Peter Fenton, Selectmen Representative will check with the Selectmen to see if this should be a Warrant Article.

Jon Marden discussed some points of interest.

Fire Department radios were discussed as in the CIP they are funded for 2013. Suggested that the Fire Department be prepared to speak to the radio issue at Town Meeting. Also, protective clothing was discussed and it was determined that about $2,000 per year is the cost to outfit a member of the Fire Dept. Question is what is the time expectancy for each set of apparel?

The Highway Department telephone costs discussed as were the uniforms that were changed for a better price this year, however, the price is higher. Peter Fenton will check this out. Also the boot allowance for the Highway Department crew should be used for boots and need to be worn by the employees while working.

February 1, 2011 is the last day for 25 or more voters for a petition.

The Public Hearing for the Town Budget will be posted by February 4, 2010, and the meeting will be held on February 11, 2011.

The Selectmen will meet on December 14, 2010 at 8:00am.

The Budget Committee Meeting will be December 21, 2010

Dick Keller handed out the following background information regarding the Rescue Squad.

Rescue Squads Budgets for 2010:

Bradford          $83,185                                       Population 1589

Town ambulance used as Fast Squad

40% +/- responses where transport is refused

Sutton              $31,047                                                            Population 1823

Use of volunteer Fast Squad in town

Has contract with New London Hospital for Ambulance service.

Newbury          $18,000                                                            Population 2064

So. Newbury used Bradford ambulance service and sets $3,000/yr toward ambulance replacement.

Balance of Newbury has contract with New London Ambulance service.

New London Hospital running a $100,000 deficit and looking to 7 towns that use its service for some resolution. According to CEO Bruce King, he would welcome Bradford as part of the mix. The hospital operates 3 ambulances at the present time and is looking to replace the oldest one this coming year.

Are there better ways of doing something that will also reduce costs xxx

Cheryl Behr advised the following dates to sign up for candidates: January 19, 2011 through January 28, 2011.

Meeting adjourned at 9:12pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley