Budget Committee Minutes 02.04.16

Budget Committee Minutes

February 4th at 6:00 pm

Youth Room of the Bradford Area Community Center.

In attendance: Chris Mock, John Pfeifle (Selectmen’s rep), Dick Keller, Kathy Rodgers, Beth Downs

Absent:            Jen Richardson, Don Jackson

Minutes were taken by Karen Hambleton.

The minutes of the January 25, 2016 meeting were approved.

Warrant Article Three: Total Bond amount is $1,300,000 of which $975,000 will be raised in bonds or notes and $325,000 will be raised through donations and grants. Currently there is $58,600 in cash and in-kind donations. It was requested that this number be modified to reflect some additional commitments. The figure will be emailed to the Selectmen’s Office. Wording regarding the amounts of grants, cash and donations are to be included in the warrant. The following wording is to be added to the article: “with work proceeding as commitments are made.” The Budget Committee voted unanimously to recommend this article. Wording regarding the 10% limitation will be removed.

Warrant Article Four: The purchase of the Fire Truck Class A pumper was discussed. The Budget Committee voted 3-2 in favor of recommending this article. Wording regarding the 10% limitation will be removed.

Warrant Article Five: The Budget Committee revisited the General Government line which now reflects an additional $8,750 allocated for the Town Hall Architect (charges incurred January – Town Meeting). The Committee voted unanimously to approve this line.

Warrant Article Five: Discussion moved to the Highway Department line increase from $505,000 which had been previously voted to the new $510,000 figure recommended by the Select Board. After much discussion, the Committee decided not to revote this line. They recommend this line at $505,000.

Warrant Article Six: This article would put $95,000 into the Town Hall Restoration Trust Fund. The Budget Committee voted unanimously not to recommend this article.

Warrant Article Ten: It was noted that the Budget Committee had already voted unanimously to recommend this article.

Warrant Article Fifteen: The Select Board has re-recommended this article at $115,000 instead of $120,000. The Budget Committee voted unanimously to stay with their original recommended and voted amount of $120,000.

Warrant Article Nineteen: This article is for the lease/purchase of a new police SUV. The Budget Committee voted 3-2 not to recommend this article.

Warrant Article Twenty Three: This article proposes $1000 be raised and appropriated to fund the Scholarship Trust Fund. The Budget Committee unanimously recommended this article.

Michael James did not make an appearance as expected.

The meeting adjourned at 6:57 pm.