Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Minutes 08.17.22

Members Present: Carol Troy, Chair; Pam Bruss; Mel Pfeifle; Caleb Connor; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Members Absent: Justin Dohrn

Also Present: Ed Shaughnessy, Police Chief; Brian Nowell, Fire Chief; Steve Hall, Road Agent; Sandra Bravo, Energy Committee chair

The meeting was called to order at 7:02

Review and consideration of the July 13, 2022 minutes

Motion to accept: Pam Bruss

Second: Mel Pfeifle

All Ayes

Ed Shaughnessy, Police Chief

Ed indicated costs had risen for future police cruiser replacements. The budgeted expenses were updated from $50,000 each to $55,000 per cruiser. Ed also spoke about the need to update radios and radar. For the past 10 years or so, we have been moving the radio and radar from the cruiser being replaced into the new one, however, we now need to begin replacing them. The cost of replacement can be included with the increased cost of the new vehicle.

The car previously ordered and expected in 2023 has been delayed until 2024.

There will be some updated costs for communication equipment. Ed will research and possibly adjust. He did note that saving $5,000 per year in the Communications Capital Reserve will not be enough. The group discussed saving more money for communications equipment as the current equipment ages out and needs to be replaced.

Ed also brought up the topic of a new police building and the potential costs of such a building were discussed.

Sandra Bravo, Energy Committee:

Sandra explained that energy audits have been done on 4 municipal buildings in town (Fire Station, Highway Garage, Community Center and Library). The Town approved the weatherization of the Library at Town Meeting in 2021 and that work has been completed. In 2022, the Town approved funding to weatherize the Highway Garage. That work has yet to be scheduled as it is contingent on some building repairs. Sandra and Ellen Barselle, Librarian, will coordinate additional energy saving recommendations for the Library.

Sandra explained the needs for the Bradford Area Community Center building and the fact that not only does it need weatherization, but also asbestos abatement in the attic.

Sandra noted that all of the municipal buildings have original heating systems that are now outdated.

Bryan Nowell, Fire Chief:

Bryan reviewed the project forms he had submitted and discussed the anticipated expenses. For the Fire Station, this includes a window upgrade and siding upgrade to protect the structure.

He also discussed the need for new fire trucks. There was a group discussion on priorities for all requests for the Fire Department.

Steve Hall, Road Agent:

Steve brought up the increased cost of road paving. He presented some projects on the horizon in addition those already on the CIP. This included several bridges currently needing improvement or replacement. He discussed adjusting some of the truck costs in the upcoming years on the CIP. Pam will update those on the CIP for the upcoming meeting.

It was mentioned that Claire James will rejoin the CIP Committee and Tim McKenna will also join.

Motion to adjourn: Pam Bruss

Second: Mel Pfeifle

All Ayes

Meeting adjourned at 9:12