Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Minutes 09.20.23

Members Present: Carol Troy, Chair, Pam Bruss, Mel Pfeifle, Caleb Connor, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Members Absent: Justin Dohrn

Others Present: Steve Hall, Highway Department, Lois Kilnapp, Transfer Station, Bryan Nowell, Fire Chief, Ed Shaughnessy, Police Chief (arrived at 7:15)

Meeting was called to order at 6:04

Review and consideration of the September 6, 2023 minutes

Motion to accept: Pam Bruss

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 5-0 in favor


Lois discussed possible tractor replacement. Steve and Lois described the repairs that have been done to the tractor and possible future repairs that it might need. Pam added an arbitrary place holder for tractor replacement in 2034.


Karen updated the Library carpet expenses from $10,000 to $12,000 planned to be done in 2024.


Pam reported on the Highway Department plan. When she had added the items in their requested dates, it had caused the taxes to jump too high so she had put them back to the original planned dates.

Caleb talked about Highway Block Grant funding and asked if it could be used for bridges?

Karen confirmed current funds in the 2019 Roads and Bridges Expendable Trust Fund.

Steve gave an update on the culverts on Deer Valley Road and West Road. The engineering costs for both is $131,000 just for the permitting.

Bryan described the issue with the culvert near the fire pond at the Fire Station. Steve suggested some possible temporary fixes for the fire station culvert issues. Caleb agreed with Steve’s idea of how to temporarily repair the culvert.

Pam requested that Steve get more estimates for upcoming work and a timeline prioritizing these. Caleb offered to assist Steve with some of these.

Karen and Steve will work on a bridge plan moving forward.

A few pieces of the Highway Department equipment were moved from the year requested to where originally planned to take into considerations the money needed for paving and bridges.

Mel expressed concern that we need funds in place to prepare for unanticipated needs for the Highway Department.


Bryan explained the need for hoses and nozzles replacement and the timing for that need. He estimated that cost would be between $5,000 to $10,000 in the next year or two, then staggered after that so there is a replacement cycle. Bryan suggested saving for this so there is not a huge amount at one time.

Mel requested a heavy equipment inventory of the other towns included in the Kearsarge Mutual Aid have so that we can regionalize the use of the heavy equipment. Bryan explained that each town needs its own equipment.


Pam discussed the timing of vehicle replacement and replacing vehicles every 6 years. Ed explained the reasoning of the vehicles being replaced, what is done with the old vehicles and the equipment in them.

Ed brought up replacement of tablet computers and how best to replace them on a schedule.


Karen described upcoming plan for redesign of the Town’s website.

Pam and Karen discussed funding several expendable trust funds.


Mel gave an update on the Masonic Hall and the various possible options.

By consensus, the Committee agreed the October 4th meeting was not necessary.

Motion to adjourn: Karen Hambleton

Second: Pam Bruss

Decision: 5-0 in favor

Meeting adjourned at 8:25

Next scheduled meeting is October 18 at 6:00

Respectfully submitted, Carol Troy