Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Minutes 09.28.22

Members Present: Carol Troy, Chair; Pam Bruss; Mel Pfeifle; Caleb Connor; Claire James; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Members Absent: Justin Dohrn; Tim McKenna

Also present: Steve Hall, Road Agent; Bryan Nowell, Fire Chief; Ed Shaughnessy, Police Chief

Meeting was called to order at 7:07

Review and consideration of the September 14, 2022 minutes

Chief Nowell noted that his name should be spelled with a Y, not an I.

Motion to accept with the change above noted: Caleb Connor

Second: Mel Pfeifle

All Ayes

Claire James joined at 7:09

Pam Bruss updated the spreadsheet with the changes presented at the previous meeting. The spike to the tax rate is too high with these changes so adjustments will need to be made.

Highway Department: Pam and Steve discussed the options for gravel: crushing stone vs purchasing gravel. Also, Pam discussed how moving the purchase of the road grader to a different year would impact the plan, but decided to leave in its current year.

Ed Shaughnessy, Police Chief joined the meeting at 7:25

Fire Department: Pam moved requested items around to reflect the sprinklers in the Fire Department building as a priority. Bryan did reach out to NH Saves to do an audit on the Fire Station. The Energy Committee also did an audit on this building. Bryan is in the process of researching possible grants available for numerous items in the CIP. Bryan agreed that the installation of sprinklers could be moved to a later year but there should be savings planned in the CIP to pay for it.

Police Department: Pam had some questions for Ed about the communications equipment. Ed clarified the requests that he had submitted at the previous meeting.

Pam suggested that there needs to be a communications plan including all departments.

Pam will update the spreadsheet to reflect changes made tonight and will present at the upcoming meeting.

Bryan will give the current ages and lifespans of all Fire Dept equipment to help plan moving forward.

The next meeting will be October 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM. At this meeting the CIP will be finalized and be ready to present to the Planning Board at their November 22 meeting.

Motion to adjourn: Pam Bruss

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Meeting adjourned at 8:24