Cemetery Minutes June 12, 2015

CEMETERY MINUTES                                                  JUNE 12, 2015


Members present : Jim Lalla , Carey Rodd , Diane Whalley and Custodian, Jim Lord


Carey has contacted Morgan Murdough regarding the signs for New Pond , Marshall and Presbury Cemeteries. Carey will get the estimate for these and add Old Pond if the expense is within budgetary limits.

Briefly discussed the removal of the dead tree in Sunny Plains. A near-by neighbor had queried about it’s being unsightly from her view. A plan will be made about the removal. Winter would be best.


Jim Lalla discussed his assessment of the potential repairs. A new list of repairs will  be made as some of them have been addressed by Jim Lord during his regular maintenance .

The Stewart Family has resolved the misplacement of the plaques on their lot.Alex Stewart indicated that the correct placement will be made at the time of his wife’s head stone is placed.


Diane attended a planning session of the NH Old Graveyard Association in Goshen on repairs and cleaning of head stones . Jim Lord and one of his staff plan to attend the workshop on 6/14 along with Diane

Jim Lalla spoke of his potential resignation of his term. He will be relocating .Diane will discuss the the procedure for a potential replacement with the Town Clerk when the time comes

Two burials are planned for next week. Esther Spaulding will be buried in Sunny Plains on 6/16/15 and Wm Mullen will be interned in Union Cemetery on 6/20/15.


It was decide not to have a meeting in July unless something important comes up. In the meantime Diane will review the information from the Annual Meeting of Cemetery Trustees with the Attorney General’s Office held on 6/4/15 and present it at the next meeting.