CIP Committee Minutes 11.03.10

NOVEMBER 3, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Don Jackson, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Dick Keller, Jon Marden and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Bill Glennie arrived at 7:15pm.

Review and Consideration of September 30, 2010 minutes:

Motion was made by Bill Glennie and seconded by Dick Keller to accept the minutes. Don Jackson, Chair advised on page 2, under the Kearsarge School District Update, the second paragraph should read “reducing the State’s participation from 35%, not 45%.

Motion carried with edit 4-0.

Don Jackson, Chair advised that Dick Keller has put together a scenario that comes out about $200,000 a year for six years, and we have been spending for the past five years about $337,000. It was suggested that either two or three scenarios should be presented.

1. The $200,000 is a nice place to start, and given the fact that the past five years we have been averaging $337,000, maybe somewhere between $200,000 and $400,000 another level could be picked, like $350,000.

It was pointed out that the Department Heads have come forward with requests which are significantly higher, and especially when the road portions are included. It is the CIP’s Committee’s responsibility to provide to the Planning Board a plan based on what we feel is minimal, and we are really spreading out their requests.

It was also discussed that the Selectmen will have in addition, Warrant Articles at Town Meeting. Money will be set aside each year for the purchase of equipment, such as the new ambulance which is scheduled for 2015.

Jon Marden advised the next five years is pretty level from Capital Reserves, to cover the purchases anticipated. However, it does not include other Capital Reserves, such as every year for 10 years, $40,000 has been put in for road oil, now called asphalt, and every year it comes out zero.

Jon Marden suggested having hour meters installed on all the equipment that has an engine; this would include the police cruisers. Actual hour reading reported annually would help identify vehicles and equipment should be refurbished or replaced

Town Hall Facilities were discussed with septic, well, elevator, parking lot etc. being of concern.

Jon Marden commented that the 2011-2016 plan and supporting statistics could go on a DVD and be ready for assisting in next years CIP work.

Jon Marden and Bill Glennie set up the screen so all the committee members could see and critique the spread sheets that are being worked on.

A tracking of a list of all the Capital Reserves and how they are funded each year were observed, in an effort to balance expenses over the 6 year period. Much conversation ensued going over specifics.

Statement was made that the goal of the CIP committee is to satisfy as many needs as they can each year, based on the input from each department and using CIP analytical observations.

Master Wish List includes:

2011                Backhoe, Cruiser and Bridge Design.
Fund Loan for Town Hall design and elevator (2011 through 2016).

2012                Exhaust Scrubbers – Fire Department, Town Hall-Septic

2013                Life Pak – Rescue. Cruiser-Police.

2014    Cruiser, Communications Tower, Town Hall-well, Tanker for Fire Dept.

2015                Revaluation due. Ambulance.

2016                Highway Truck out of Capital Reserve $190,000, Police Cruiser.

(Footnotes will appear on charts to finer tune information)

Decision was to minimize categories with no purchases requirements.

Bill Glennie will present this to the Planning Board at their next meeting on November 9, 2010.

This is “ CIP six year plan submitted in 2010.”

Don Jackson will stay on as Chair and a meeting will be set up after Town Meeting. Don expressed his wish that all present CIP members stay on. Also stated was that Department priorities are very important, and the CIP committee should start earlier next year.

Meeting Adjourned 9:00pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley