Planning Board Minutes 11.09.10

NOVEMBER 9, 2010

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:10pm with Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Phil LaMoreaux, Bill Glennie, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, John Greenwood, Alternate, Harry Wright, Selectmen’s Representative. Marge Cilley, Secretary is at Budget Committee meeting. Barbara Vannata is absent.

Marcia Keller, Chair seated John Greenwood for Barbara Vannata.

Corsair Realty Gravel Pit-Continuation of Public Hearing: Map 7, Lot 29.

Marcia Keller, Chair advised that since the October 12, 2010 minutes refer to the Corsair Realty Gravel Pit, it will be referred to at this meeting.

Mr. Ed Hauck advised he would like to make this meeting as short as possible as he is not feeling well. He provided eleven folded copies for Wetlands and Civil Engineering stamps on them. A large print was shared for review. All notes that were recommended by the Planning Board are present. Notation was added advising they do not know if there will be one truck a week or ten trucks aweek. A complete survey and contours of the two drainage pipes that are in question were done. Mr. Hauck advised he was told by the manager of the Lake Sunapee Snowmobile Club that they actually put the culvert in that is in question, and he will find notes on it. A note has been added stating Corsair Realty will have that culvert removed so no further water will come down towards Dubaere’s and according to the engineers, they are going to sheep pan it across the actual land where there is a lot of vegetation.

Special Exceptions: Residential/Rural District and to conduct a commercial operation requires a Special Exception. Also in the Bradford Sand and Gravel Ordinance, as well as the State Regulations it states under definitions that Commercial Excavations means excavation of earth meant for commerce and may include excavation that is conducted for the purpose of alteration, renovation, improvement of construction of property. Earth that is leaving the property for sale, barter or exchange is considered to be a commercial operation. Whatever you are using the material for, you are taking it off site. Marcia Keller, Chair offered that it is a commercial operation.

Issues left over from the last meeting were discussed.

Marcia Keller, Chair advised No. 3 could be added to No. 11: no storage of fuel or potential contaminants on site, but in the event fuel is stored it meets the standards.

Storm Water Polution Prevention and the Special Exception are two things that are being waited upon per Phil LaMoreaux.

Marcia Keller, Chair asked for any questions from the floor at this time. Marcia replied that they have had cooperation that they have needed from the applicant in reply to a statement from the floor. There being no other questions from the floor, the public hearing was closed by Marcia Keller, Chair. The check was received from the applicant and a copy of the Nobis statement was given to Mr. Hauck.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to approve the Corsair Gravel pit application, Map 7, Lot 29 with the following conditions of approval.

1. Receipt of the storm water pollution prevention, from EPA.

2. Special Exception for commercial activity in residential/rural district.

3. Receipt of a suitable Reclamation Bond acceptable by the Planning Board.

Motion seconded by Bill Glennie. Motion carried 7-0.

Someone from the floor questioned how they were going to fix the culvert. Mr. Hauck advised his crew will do the work. It is something they would like to do this fall, weather permitting.

Review and Consideration of October 12, 2010 minutes:

Motion by Phil LaMoreaux to approve the October 12, 2010 minutes.

Marcia Keller, Chair suggested on page 2 top of the page, first sentence: put regulations in place, and if needs to be deleted. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried with edit 6-0. Sonny Harris did not vote.

To Do Folder:

Letter to Harriet Hobbs and reply from her was read to the Board.

Town of Stoddard Public Hearing Nov. 10, 2010 regarding Cell Tower.

Copy of letter written to Mr. Wilkerson read, property located on County Road.- This does need to be pursued. Mr. Wilkerson had been in and talked with Mat Monahan, CNHRPC. Marcia Keller, Chair will follow up on this.

Town proposal to do something to the gravel pit on Jones Road. Mary Pinkam-Langer was contacted, and her response was it does not need a pit agreement as the town owns the land, but there are some things the town is not exempt from.

It has to comply with the operation and reclamation standards, deed to the boundary etc.

Harry Wright, Selectmen will forward this information to the Board of Selectmen.

How to make your Town Farm Friendly workshop information was given to Jim Bibbo, and anyone else interested.

Letter to the Lumber Barn letter regarding non-conforming sign, and a Variance is needed.

Letter needed to N. Payne regarding road. Ann Eldridge suggested the Conservation Commission could also forward a letter.

CIP Presentation by Bill Glennie:

Bill Glennie advised Jon Marden chose the colors for the graphs. Bill showed the graphs and went over the CIP and explained how they arrived at the end result. Jon Marden averaged the last five years of what Warrant Articles have been. These have fluctuated a bit, with the last two years a bit lower. The committee has agreed to try to target that amount for total Warrant Article spending year to year for the next six years.

Marcia Keller, Chair advised the CIP committee has guaranteed to continue next year and they should say this is the way the town needs to budget if they want to be responsible. A Road Committee was discussed and the need was expressed.

Bill Glennie advised that on one page of the spread sheet contains all the spending put together. The one department that is not represented but does have some Capital Reserve spending over the next few years is the transfer station. That is because they are funded through the revolving fund. Questions and answers ensued.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux that the Planning Board accept the report from the CIP, and to also present it to the Selectmen. The Planning Board expressed many thanks for all the work done on the CIP. Motion seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 7-0.

Marcia Keller, Chair will present the completed CIP to the Selectmen at their next meeting on November 23, 2010. It was reiterated that the current CIP Board will remain on the Board for next year

At this time, Marcia Keller, Chair Planning Board presented to the Budget Committee the accepted and completed report from the CIP Committee. Officially it will be presented to the Selectmen in two weeks.

Voluntary Merger, David & Linda Clark, Map 19, Lot 46 and Map 20, Lot 2:

This is for two lots on the back side of Lake Massasecum, that needs to be merged to show entire as one parcel. Discussion ensued, and Marcia Keller, Chair will get in touch with Linda Clark for clarification.

Work Force Housing will be discussed on November 23, 2010 at the next meeting, and Marcia Keller, Chair requested that all the amendments be in Warrant Article form for that meeting

The Planning Board Budget was gone over and completed with the exception of the ZBA portion, then it will be ready to forward to the Selectmen.

It was pointed out that the Planning Board is paying $1598.00 for the Town Forum that was held on November 6, 2010, and the BIA donated $102.00. The refreshments were furnished by the BBB. Harry Wright, Selectman advised the idea of doing this perhaps semi-annually was well received.

Wireless Communication ordinance suggested revision was handed out to the members, and a definition change for type of facility was discussed. This will be brought up at the Public Hearing on November 23, 2010 for further discussion.

Comments by Ben Frost were discussed on Work Force Housing. It was suggested that a subcommittee needs to be set up and present a draft. Phil LaMoreaux and Marcia Keller, Chair will look at this.

Rules of Procedure will be forwarded to the Secretary who will in turn forward them to all the members.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary