CIP Meeting Minutes 09.08.21

Members Present – Carol Troy, Chair; Pam Bruss; Justin Dohrn; Mel Pfeifle; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Members Absent – Caleb Connor

Others in attendance: Steve Hall, Highway Department.

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm.

Review and consideration of the August 18, 2021 minutes.

Motion: Pam Bruss motioned to approve the August 18, 2021 minutes

Second: Justin Dorn

All members- aye

Pam gave a recap of the updated spreadsheet with the all submitted projects. If all departments got what they asked for in the year they asked for it, the tax impact would be $3.96 per thousand.

Pam brought up the savings in the Capital Reserve fund for the Town Hall restoration. She suggested further discussion of the Town Hall restoration and how to best fund it at a future CIP meeting. The group agreed that for now the CIP should include saving for Town Hall without any expected expenses.

Pam asked Karen for estimated balances for all of the various capital reserve and trust accounts as of December 31, 2021.

In regards to the Town Hall restoration, Karen felt that doing small jobs to use the money saved was not the most cost-effective way to get the work completed. She explained some of the work that needs to be completed to the Town Hall before the first floor could be occupied.

Pam presented two additional versions of the spreadsheet that help to spread the expense impacts out more evenly. Karen noted that Bradford did not receive the TAP grant for West Main Street.

There was a discussion about bonds and bond rates. Karen will get information on borrowing so that we can weigh the options of funding larger projects.

The furnace for the Community Center should be removed from the CIP spreadsheet. We have funding in the 1997 Town Facilities Fund should the furnace need to be replaced. This is a gas furnace, which unlike fuel furnaces, should last several more years.

The Committee discussed different ways to more effectively roll the CIP plan out to the community.

Schedule next meeting:

The next meeting will take place Sept 22, 2021 at 7 PM

Motion to adjourn: Justin Dohrn at 9:04 pm.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

All members: Aye