CIP Minutes 05.19.11

MAY 19, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Don Jackson, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Jon Marden, Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative, Marlene Freyler, Dick Keller and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Bill Glennie was absent.

Review and Consideration of May 5, 2011 Minutes:

On page 2, middle of the page under Discussion ensued regarding date of finalization of the CIP being in the middle of September should read October. The next line down should also read October.

Motion was made by Dick Keller to approve the minutes with the above edit. Seconded by Jon Marden. Motion carried 5-0.

Don Jackson handed out forms for the members to peruse including:

Timeline, Joint Memorandum from Planning Board and Board of Selectmen., Forms Jon Marden put together, Project request work sheet and Projected Equipment needs.

Jon Marden led a discussion regarding the summary of requests made last year.

It was discussed if a column showing the Capital Reserves would be beneficial, not matched up with appropriate item, but a copy of the current balance made available. The Committee unanimously agreed this would be beneficial.

It is hoped to deliver the forms to the Department Heads prior to June 1, 2011. Jon Marden will ask Cheryl Behr, Administrator directly to print off the forms for Don Jackson, Chair to pick up for the CIP Committee. The Committee members will then hand out these forms to their assigned Department Heads. It was decided that to expedite this, the forms will not go through the Secretary.

Don Jackson will be meeting with the Selectmen at their June 7, 2011 meeting to go over the Time Line, the Memorandum that they have signed, and if they have any recommendations for or to change.

It was decided unanimously to not include the School District.

The following Committee Assignments were agreed upon.

1. Administration                                              Harry Wright

2. Library                                                         Marlene Freyler

3. Cemetery                                                     Jon Marden

4. Conservation Commission                             Bill Glennie

4. Community Center-Parks & Rec                  Harry Wright

5. Emergency Management                               Marlene Freyler

6. Fire & Rescue                      Don Jackson

7. Highway                                                       Jon Marden

8. Police Dept.                                     Dick Keller

9. Transfer Station                                            Bill Glennie

Other topic of conversation was the Bement Bridge repair and Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative advised he had drawn up a list of needs for the bridge repair and talked with Nancy Mayville, PE today.

Don Jackson expressed appreciation to Jon Marden for all the forms he has drawn up for the CIP.



Motion to adjourn made, seconded and carried at 8:15pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
