CIP Minutes 07.01.15




Meeting called to order by Marcia Keller, Chair, at 6:00pm

In Attendance

Marcia Keller, CIP Chair; Don Jackson, Budget Committee; Barry Wheeler, Highway Dept; Jim Valiquet, Police Dept; Mike Tardiff, CNHRPC

Consideration of Minutes 06.17.15

Minutes of June 17, 2015 reviewed and approved without edits.

Highway Dept- Revisited

Highway Dept reviewed revised Road Repair application (App-18) with roads listed alphabetically.

Interview 6: Police Department

Police Dept presented revised and new applications for Scheduled Police Car Rotation. Discussed, once again, contributing to a capital reserve fund for police cruisers and the trust fund for a new police department.

– Katie Nelson, CNHRPC, will update Weapons System Application for PD

– Contributions made for the last 5 years the PD trust fund was active will be researched

Other Business

– Edit to Draft Municipal Improvement Schedule- BACC Heating System moved to 2019.

– Jim Valiquet advised the BACC roof should be evaluated and dates moved accordingly.

– Next meeting to review and potentially finalize 2016-2021 Municipal Improvement Schedule

The next CIP meeting will be held Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 6:00pm at the BACC Youth Room.

Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm.