CIP Minutes 07.07.11

JULY 7, 2011

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Don Jackson, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Dick Keller, Bill Glennie, Phil LaMoreaux, Jon Marden, Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Marlene Freyler was absent.

Review and Consideration of minutes of June 2, 2011:

Motion was made by Dick Keller to approve as presented. Seconded by Jon Marden. Bill Glennie and Phil LaMoreaux abstained. Motion carried 4-0.

Assignment Updates:

Don Jackson, Chair requested updates on each member assignment at this time:

Don Jackson, Chair-Fire Department-Forms have been filled out and returned and are requesting new equipment as well as current equipment conditioning.

Rescue is being worked on by Laurie Brown and should be in soon.

At this time it was discussed that all the completed forms be returned to Cheryl Behr, Administrator who will be asked to contact Jon Marden and he will pick them up and compile the data and put on a PDF file. A disk will be made at the end of the year and one will be given to the Planning Board for their files

Dick Keller– Contacted Police Department– Chief, Valiquet on the 28th of May and he has the forms to be filled out. One topic discussed was a shooting range. Dick advised he will pursue getting together and get the forms in by July 29th.

Bill Glennie-contacted the Transfer Station and reported they are not requesting anything again. They would like a road worthy trailer however that is less than $10,000 so is not considered a CIP item.

Conservation Commission– Bill advised he has made preliminary contact with them, and they will submit a similar request to last years. (Lets plan for some unforeseeable future and set aside some money).

At this time, Phil LaMoraeaux was introduced as being Bill Glennie’s Alternate during his absence.

Jon MardenHighway Department-Jon Marden has attempted three times in the past eight day to contact the Road Agent in the Highway Department and at this time has not received any information. Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative advised the Road Agent will be on vacation next week, and the Selectmen will continue to follow up with the Highway Department.

At this time, Harry Wright, Selectmen advised the three month rotation of Assignments changed in July with Harry Wright-Highway Department, Jack Meaney-Planning Board and Barry Wheeler-Budget Committee. No one is assigned to Fire and Rescue.

Harry Wright, SelectmenAdministration – Nothing at this time.

Facility portion- will be in by July 29th per Harry Wright.

It was stated that there will be no BACC forms expected this year although forms were given to them.

Don Jackson advised there are additional forms available for anyone needing them.

It was reiterated that all forms are due July 29, 2011 at the Selectmen’s Office by 12:00 noon.

The next CIP meeting is scheduled for: July 28, 2011 at 7:00pm

Meeting adjourned 7:40pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
