Conservation Commission 06.18.13

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

June 18, 2013, 7:00pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present: Seth Benowitz, Amy Blitzer, Nathaniel Bruss, J. Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, and Brooks McCandlish.  Also present Gerry Gold and Harry Wright.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of 5/21/13 were amended to reflect that the Knights Hill summit spur is presently marked and roughly cleared with possible future plans of creating a through trail to Low State Forest.  Minutes accepted as amended.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg reported $1.15 interest on account this past month.

Gerry Gold, representing the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Coalition, presented a plan for “Building a Trailwork Community” along with a map depicting the locations of planned one-day  trailwork events to occur during July through September.  Gerry invited the BCC to take part in a proposed grant through the NH Forest Society to encourage trail maintenance participation and teach trailwork skills while making specific improvements on trails in the SRKG and Quabbin to Cardigan areas.  Publicity of the events is covered by the grant.  Brooks proposed that the BCC appreciatively endorse the project, and sign on the Bradford Bog boardwalk repair day to be included in one of the 8 work projects.  All were in agreement.  Scheduling of this September workday will be timed to allow volunteer notification in area publications in mid July.

Harry Wright was present to discuss his application for beach replenishment at his property at 17 Oakdale Road.  This is an established beach area eroded by Hurricane Irene, and Harry wants to add sand to the 20′ x 40′ area of shore above the high water mark on Lake Massasecum.  He stated he has repaired the culvert ditch to the lake to prevent further erosion.  He is aware of the presence of Sclerolepsis, a state endangered plant, in the vicinity and presented correspondence from the NH Natural Heritage Bureau expressing no objection to the beach replenishment in unvegetated areas. The Permit by Notification with the DES is complete. The BCC unanimously authorized Ann, as chairperson, to sign off on the application.

Breezy Hill Road Auto Recycling Facility Public Hearing Continuation: Seth reported on the 6/11/13 Planning Board hearing.  The BCC has continued natural resource concerns that have been previously documented; protection of the Warner River and aquifer, maintaining meaningful buffers, and a permanent delineation of the site and the 100 year flood plain.  It was decided that the lot line adjustment application is not a natural resource issue.

West Meadow Stables/Rob Messer: There are plans for construction of an indoor riding arena on the site of the present outdoor ring.  Natural resource concerns discussed were construction traffic impact, along with prevention of runoff and containment of manure storage in relation to the identified adjacent wetland area.  Brooks recused as chair of the Zoning Board that will be hearing this application.

Pizza Chef/John Gioldassis: Plan for a free-standing, internally lit, off-site sign for Dunkin Donuts and other future businesses at the Main St/Rte 103 junction. Ann voiced concerns about precedent setting, and Meg mentioned light pollution issues.  Seth verbalized support of Bradford businesses.  Following discussion, the group decided it was not a major natural resource concern.  Brooks recused.

High St. Garage Construction/Frederico Montanari: The garage would be set back further from Lake Todd than the ordinance requires, so there are no BCC issues.  Brooks recused.

Deer Valley Road/ Jim Bibbo:  A variance is being sought to subdivided lot on this Deer Valley Road property.  Due to steep slopes and shallow soils unsuitable for septic, driveway, or construction use, the necessary two contiguous acres needed for construction cannot be met.  There appears to be other options for creating a lot that conforms to the ordinance, so this may not be a special case requiring a variance.  Meg and Brooks recused as abutter and ZBA member respectively.

Natural Resource Inventory Synopsis: Chapter 2 synopsis will be in the July Bridge.

Moose Presentation, Friday August 16, 7pm at the Community Center: An article will be written for the August Bridge.

Ausbon Sargent Woods Forum:  This final forum will be held Tuesday, July 30, 7pm at Amy Blitzer’s home on Center Road.

Ausbon Sargent Blitzer Easement Hike: Scheduled for Thursday, August 1.  Seth has written a notice that will appear in the July Bridge.

July 6/Independence Day Fair Booth: The Rural Heritage Connection will be sharing the booth space and the fee with us. Maps and displays to include in the booth were discussed.  In addition to Seth’s cedar birdhouses, copies of the SRKG Trail Guide will be available to purchase to benefit the coalition and encourage conservation and hiking.

The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 7:00pm at Brown Memorial Library.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness, Secretary