Conservation Commission Minutes 02.19.13

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

February 19, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at Brown Memorial Library

Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, J. Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from 1/16/13 meeting were accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg reported $1.00 interest earned on accounts. The report was accepted.

2013 Saving Special Places: This annual event will take place April 6, 2013 at John Stark Regional High School in Weare. BCC members should consult their e-mail or the website for information on workshops being offered.

Forestry Wetland Notification: Two notifications were received in the mail, one for Patty Hall and the other for Robert Palmitesta.

Goodnight Sand and Gravel: A renewal permit for earth removal from an existing sand pit on Pleasant Valley Road was received. Ann suggested contacting Phil Lamoreaux on the Planning Board for more information.

Zoning Board Letter: A letter to the editor was sent urging voters to vote ‘no’ on the ballot question which would allow a lesser setback for any auto recycling facility. The State ordinance is 660 feet from state highways.

Ausbon Sargent Woods Forum: This event is scheduled for Thursday March 21 at 7:00 p.m. at George’s home on Howlett Road. Tim Fleury (UNH Cooperative extension Forestry Educator) will lead a presentation on the caretaking of your land today and planning for its future. Flyers will be hand delivered or mailed to landowners. Meg stated that any stamp expenses would be covered by petty cash if needed.

MooseMan Rick Libbey Presentation: Ann suggested an August evening at the Community Center. She will be in further contact with Rick to determine an exact date and time.

Battles Snowshoe Hike: The group recognized George and his outstanding leadership skills on this adventurous and very successful hike. Seth suggested the Knights Hill spur trail as our next trail building project.

NRI: The finalized text and maps have been sent to Andrew Pinard to be put on the town website. Once there, Ann suggested submitting articles to the Bridge to provide a synopsis of one chapter each month. Six copies of the NRI will be printed and bound at the town hall, to be distributed to the library, selectmen, and planning board. Seth volunteered to frame the aerial map.

Future NRI Action: Ann suggested revisiting conservation zoning in Bradford; a consideration of what needs to be conserved and protected, and how to best enact this in a workable and defendable plan. Brooks recommended initiating action and sharing information with the planning board to use in their decision making processes.

Current Use Change Tax: The conservation commission and the town general fund get equal shares in any penalty taxes collected when property is taken out of current use. Meg will monitor to assure that correct distribution has occurred after the 2012 town annual report is published.

The next meeting will be March 19, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at Brown Memorial Library.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Furness, Secretary