Conservation Commission Minutes 3.15.16

Bradford Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2016, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz,  Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, and Brooks McCandlish.

Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft meeting minutes of 2/16/16 were amended as follows:
-The reported excavation on Fairgrounds Road is in regards to loam.
-The information session of the Warner River Designation Program scheduled for 3/16/16 was postponed, and will be rescheduled at a future date.  The study group continues to meet on a monthly basis.
The amended draft meeting minutes of 2/16/16 were accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was accepted.  We need more maps!  Funds set aside from 2015 budget will be used.

Saving Special Places 2016: The Annual workshop will take place on Saturday, April 9, 2016 in Alton at Prospect Mountain High School.  Workshop details are available online.

Carter Hill Road, possible building permit: This building permit application was presented before the Planning Board.  There ensued discussion of procedure in obtaining a building permit on a class 6 road (Carter Hill) and a reminder of the ordinance regarding the non-advisability of doing so.  Ann will draft a letter to send to the Planning Board and Selectmen advising these groups of the BCC’s stance on this issue.

Map 3, Lot 89, potential business site: There is a request for variance to buffer provisions scheduled at a public hearing with the Zoning Board of Adjustment on Wednesday April 6, 2016.  The BCC’s comments on this issue have been discussed and finalized via email to exclude Brooks, and will be sent to the ZBA prior to the meeting.

Fairgrounds Road Loam Excavation Concern: A resident expressed concern regarding a possible loam excavation without permit on Fairgrounds Road.  The matter was referred to the Selectmen.

Abandoned Vehicles on Bradford Public Road: George’s sleuthing has discovered that this situation has been brought up previously by a concerned neighbor. A complaint form will filled out and addressed to the land owner.

Natural Resources Inventory Synopsis: The Trails and Recreation chapter will be condensed and submitted to the Bridge in an upcoming edition.

Letter to the Selectmen, Map 3, Lot 89: A concerned abutter has notified the Selectmen requesting a cease and desist order on this property, questioning changes being made to the property without proper permits in place.  George will look into this and email findings to all except Brooks, who recused himself prior to discussion.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.  The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, April 19, 2016, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary