Conservation Commission Minutes 04.19.22

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
April 19, 2022, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library and Zoom format
Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean,
Brooks McCandlish, and Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Minutes: The draft report of 3/15/22 was reviewed by members present. Scott made a motion to accept the draft minutes as read, Doug seconded, followed by unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: The report was reviewed and accepted.
Native Bees at the Bog: An Antioch Grad student would like to study wild bee populations at the Bradford Bog this summer. She is seeking funding assistance for this project. It was suggested we view her research proposal, and also ask her to consider presenting a public program at the end of the study.
NH Butterfly Study: Ann will be taking part in a NH butterfly monitoring project for conservation research this summer. Hessel’s Hairstreak and Bog Elfin are two rare species that might be found at the Bradford Bog.
Energy Committee: To increase public awareness of plastic pollution the Energy Committee will be showing the film Microplastics at a future date. They have asked the BCC to co-sponsor the event.
Bradford Springs Hotel Site: A grant application by the Abenaki Trails Project for boardwalk construction to the well spring site and for well water testing was not accepted. The reason for rejection was not specified.
Mountain Rd/Hoyt Brook Vegetation Restoration Workday: The Merrimack River Watershed Council is organizing volunteers to plant native shrubs and trees along the brook to improve bank stability, trap excess nutrients, and alleviate runoff. The event will take place Thursday April 21, 9am-1pm.
Davis Road, Map 22, Lot 18: The application for Wetlands Permit by Notification is incomplete.
Hoyt Brook Volunteers: NH Fish and Game is looking for volunteer monitors for Hoyt Brook to perform studies several times per year for ongoing data collection. Any equipment needed will be supplied.
Planning Board: Work on a Shoreland Ordinance will be forthcoming. We will provide input when requested.
Land Conservation: Andy Deegan has been in communication with Ann.
Program Offerings: Possible topics discussed included native bees and caterpillars.
Beaver Deceiver Forest Street: The unit is not deceiving anyone, and appears to not be functioning. There was discussion about the worthiness of remedying. West Rd Deceiver is performing splendidly! Meanwhile, the beaver situation on Fairgrounds Rd needs attention. We will consult with Bradford road agent Steve Hall about possible solutions.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:25pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday May 17, 2022, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library and on Zoom.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary