Conservation Commission Minutes 05.17.22

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Minutes Report
May 17, 2022 at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Minutes: The draft report of 4/19/22 was reviewed by members present. George made a motion to accept the draft minutes as read, Doug seconded, and all unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg presented the report as of March 2022. The CD was renewed, interest earned on accounts. Scott made a motion to accept the report, Doug seconded, and all approved.
Native Bees at the Bradford Bog Research Project: Alaina Bandanza will be beginning her summer research project at the Bog on Wednesday May 21, placing a transect on Mike Andrew’s property. Doug made a motion that Bradford Conservation Commission contribute $250 to her project for a public
presentation at the conclusion of her study. Meg seconded the motion followed by unanimous approval.
Energy Committee: Sue Moss contacted Ann in regards to the international initiative called “Plastic Free July.” Town-wide plans include educational activities for children, an event at Sweet Beet July 2, and public showing of the movie “Microplastic Madness” at the library. Brooks made a motion to co-sponsor the movie with BML, and contribute $50 toward the cost of screening. Scott seconded, and all approved.
Mountain Road Vegetation Restoration: Steve Hall contacted Ann regarding his concerns about the planting of shrubs and trees along Class VI Mountain Rd/Hoyt Brook on 4/21 by the Merrimack River Watershed Council (MRWC) and volunteers. Steve was sent emails regarding exactly what was planted where and why. This project was initiated and undertaken by NH Fish and Game and MRWC.
Hoyt Brook Monitoring Opportunity: NH Fish and Game is looking for Hoyt Brook monitors to perform stream studies several times per year for ongoing data collection. All equipment will be supplied. This is an adventurous and educational volunteer opportunity! Contact Ken Milender if interested at
Shoreland Ordinance: The Planning Board is working on a shoreland ordinance for Bradford to protect those sensitive areas from effects of new building and remodeling. Suggested input included trying to limit increased impervious surfaces in shoreland areas by denying building permits if over a certain
percentage of the site. Another suggestion was the requirement of rain garden installation to alleviate runoff. George opined that local ordinances are the best protection for the hazards of increased shoreland growth. BCC will offer input to the SB when requested.
Land Conservation: Plans for the possible protection of a new conserved tract of land are progressing.
George Gratefulness: BCC members applauded George for his repair of the Bradford Bog platform tower. Yay George!
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. The next meeting will be June 21, 2022, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary