Conservation Commission Minutes 06.21.22

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Minutes
June 21. 2022, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard. Also present Andy Deegan, representing Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust.
Secretary’s Draft Minutes: The draft report of 5/17/22 was reviewed. Meg made a motion to accept the draft minutes as read, George seconded, followed by unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg presented the current funds balance. George requested $215 for twenty hemlock planks (2x8x8.5) to replace boards on the Bog boardwalk. The labor George provides is priceless! Doug made a motion to accept the report, Brooks seconded, and all approved.
Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust Co-occurence Map: Andy Deegan presented an overlay map which demonstrated how various conservation attributes co-occur in land areas in Bradford. Desirable characteristics of conserved land include high ranking for wildlife, unfragmented areas, contiguous with other conserved properties creating corridors, resiliency, wetlands, bordering/containing water bodies and streams, open fields, and soil type. Discussion followed of conservation potential in areas of Bradford.
Land Conservation: An L-CHIP application has been submitted, and a stream and wetland assessment are being done on a potential new conservation easement in Bradford. Andy recently heard two warbler species vocalizing at the site; the Prairie Warbler and Chestnut Sided Warbler are attracted to this regenerating area due to the early successional growth from logging. Both species are experiencing declining populations worldwide.
Hoyt Brook/Deer Valley Road Culvert: Ben Nugent, NH Fish and Game fisheries biologist, submitted an Aquatic Resource Fund grant on May 31 to propose replacing a culvert at this location.
Microplastic Madness Documentary: This award winning documentary will be shown at Brown Memorial Library on Wednesday July 13. It is a story of a group of Brooklyn 11-year-olds working to create awareness of plastic pollution, and taking leadership roles to help stop it.
96 Oakdale Road: George, Ann and Patty reviewed a Permit by Notification for a floating dock at this site. The permit has been signed.
Langley Donation: Brackett Scheffy has recorded the Langley Deed with the County. Many thanks, Brackett!
King Hill Trail Work: The Sutton Conservation Commission is planning a trail workday on Saturday July 9 (rain date 7/10) on the King Hill Reservation to enhance butterfly habitat. Volunteers needed.
Cedar Regeneration Study: Brooks attended a recent Zoom meeting. A grant, due 7/01/22, is being sought for this study and letters of support are needed. The study is supported by the Selectboard. The grant will enable the study of forest ecology of Atlantic White Cedars at the Bradford Bog by a UNH team, and will integrate western science with traditional indigenous knowledge of the Abenaki people. Ann will draft a support letter.
Sundew Carnivorous Plants: The diminutive sundew has been rediscovered at the Bog after being MIA for many years! Such happy news!
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:20pm. The next meeting will be July 19, 2022, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary