Conservation Commission Minutes 07.19.22

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Minutes
July 19, 2022, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard.
Secretary’s Draft Minutes: The draft report of 6/21/22 was reviewed. George made a motion to accept the draft minutes as read, Doug seconded, followed by unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg presented the current account activity and balances. Payment was made for replacement boards for the Bog boardwalk, with no further repairs anticipated for the year. A heap of thanks to George, the boardwalk’s personal caretaker, and grandson Jake!
Warner River Watershed Monitoring: Ben Nugent, NH Fish and Game Fish Biologist, emailed a request for volunteers for long term monitoring of areas in the Warner River watershed. Water quality studies would be performed along with macro invertebrate sampling. Further clarification of the extent of the study will be needed from Ben.
Deer Valley Road/Hoyt Brook Culvert Replacement: The Aquatic Resource Grant for this project will most likely not be awarded.
Low State Forest Permit: A newly signed 2-3 year permit will allow George and Co to open up the view at the top of Knight’s Hill in the near future.
Corner Garden: Ann and George met with the owners of this developing public garden to discuss the establishment of a pollinator garden within a wetland buffer.
Old Mountain Road: Landowners, NH Fish and Game, Merrimack River Watershed Council and Ann met at Class VI Old Mountain Road to discuss snow removal and drainage ditches that would not be deleterious to the water quality of Hoyt Brook and the species that inhabit it. The use of cocoa tubes was discussed as a possible additional manner of erosion control.
96 Oakdale Road: The wetland Permit by Notification for this site was determined to be incomplete.
Selectboard: It has been determined it is not the town’s responsibility to determine the buildability of a lot for a potential landowner. Town counsel advice has been requested.
Adopt-a-Road: Doug presented a draft map of Bradford Class VI roads and trails to add to the Adopt-a-Road Report for 2022. Doug has collected and assembled another valuable documentation on the wear and tear associated with large groups of Jeeps, trucks and ATVs using Bradford Class VI roads for joy riding, and the erosion created by rain events. Thank you, Doug, for another exceptional report!
Bog Spruce Roots and Cedar: Bill Gould would like a plan drawn up to allow the harvesting of Spruce roots and an Atlantic White Cedar from the Bog for the construction of an Abenaki canoe. Brooks will create the documentation, which will need approval from Bradford Conservation Commission and
Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. The next meeting will be held August 16, 2022, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary