Conservation Commission Minutes 11.19.13

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
19 November, 2013, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, J. Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish
Secretary’s Report: The meeting minutes of 10/15/13 were accepted as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg stated there is $33 remaining in the 2013 budget.  Reimbursement to George and Scott for registration expense of the recent NHACC annual meeting will more than deplete this; the remainder will be paid out of petty cash.  Also, Meg informed us that the BCC will receive 50% of the current use change penalty tax for this year, which will be deposited in the Land Protection fund.  The treasurer’s report was accepted.
The Stewardship Network, New England: Meg attended and reported on this recent meeting in New London.  This regional effort is lead by the UNH Cooperative Extension and is modeled after a successful Michigan program.  The goal is to create a network of volunteers and organizations to collaborate and share knowledge and experience in conservation efforts in a synergistic effort.
Saving Special Places: This workshop will take place Saturday, April 5, 2014, in Laconia.
Silver Hill Trail: Seth and George explored a potential trail route over Silver Hill, accessed from the Knight’s Hill Trail.  The next step will be to contact the owner of the land for permission for possible trail construction; Ann will follow up with this.
Warner River Floodplain Protection Designation: Ann attended the 11/16/13 Warner Conservation Commission meeting where this plan was discussed.  It would involve a volunteer committee to research and submit comments on any project within ¼ mile on either side of the Warner River.  Bradford and Sutton have headwaters of the Warner River.  It was suggested to wait and see whether Warner will commit to this program with the CNHRPC.
Property abutting Battle’s Farm: Seth is the contact, and further deliberations are on hold until spring.
Property connecting Pearl and Dodge Lots: This 60 acre parcel is currently listed for sale for $1000 per acre.  In addition to providing a connection between the two easements, there is also a small stand of rare gum trees on this property.  The Rural Heritage Commission has expressed interest in conserving this parcel, and has asked the BCC to possibly join them in the effort.  The property would be difficult or impossible to obtain a building permit due to a state law preventing permits on properties with no road frontage. There is no power. Presumably there is a right of way. The property appears to be overpriced. Brooks commented that the concept was good, and we should pursue this.  All members were in agreement.
NRI: The next synopsis for the Bridge will cover Chapter 7.5, the Shoreland Protection Act.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
The next meeting will be held 17 December, 2013, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary